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Thursday, December 30, 2004

Well, I blew it. I gained 3 pounds over Christmas week. No excuses. I enjoyed the cookies and fudge and pumpkin pie and turkey and dressing and knew I would go in with a gain. I'm actually surprised it wasn't more considering we did KFC yesterday. But, I was proud of myself because I had the courage to go to my TOPS meeting knowing I would have to report that gain. The accountability makes it real. I could not go and pretend it was just a fluctuation and convince myself somehow it doesn't count if it isn't written in the book. I was disappointed in the number of people who didn't come in today because they didn't want to have to end the year on a gain, but they are also just kidding themselves. Whether it is written in the book or not the weight is real and trying to psyche yourself into believing it isn't will only defeat your purpose. So, I went in, reported my gain as did some others and then left determined to take it off by the next meeting to start the year with a loss and hopefully make it a weekly trend.

Next week I am doing the program and have decided to do it on the psychology of eating. I have been reading a book called Cheap Psychological Tricks and learned that the colors yellow and red will make you eat faster and therefor you end up eating more because of eating so fast. Do the colors red and yellow conjure up any particular fast food restaurants? Also, it talks about how when we were children our parents got us to eat everything on our plate by serving it on plates or bowls with pictures on the bottom. The fun was to find the picture on the bottom of the plate, so that later in life we were psycologically trained to find the picture on the plate. The trick is to eat off plan plates. You will eat less. Anyway, I found all that interesting and since there was no one to do a program next week I thought that would be fun. I'm taking pics of all the fast food places to make a little display and will get some dollar general bowls or plates with pics for the children to give a visual display as I'm talking about the plates.

Well, my husband is in the shower so going to take advantage and get the living room cleaned. Next week I will have a better report!

Friday, December 24, 2004

Santa Claus is coming to town! Had our TOPS Christmas party today... well, I guess yesterday since it is now 12:37 AM. Will write more about it next time, but wanted to post this pic as I played Santa for the group. A few of us decided it would be fun to surprise everyone and dress up for the occassion. As you can see we made a motley Santa crew, but we sure had fun as did everyone else. Lots of pics of our TOPS women sitting on Santa's lap. So, until next time when I will write more about our fun day here's a pic to make you smile.

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Wednesday, December 08, 2004

My beautiful grandchildren! Got a nice surprise in the mail yesterday. A picture of my grandchildren. Maya is four and Devon is six. Aren't they the most beautiful children you have ever seen? And of course I'm not biased in the least! (My sister Vic suggested I post my pic at the same age as Maya as there is an amazing resemblence... so here it is.)

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Friday, December 03, 2004

Favorite Christmas movies: I was just reading my sister's blog and in response to her recent blog on books on tape someone mentioned their favorite Christmas movie was It's a Wonderful Life. I have a few favorites and I'm hoping some of you will post your favorites. Many years ago I saw a movie called The Gift. It was about a poor couple who couldn't afford gifts for each other. But, she had long hair and he had a pocket watch. She wanted to buy him a gold chain for the watch and he wanted to buy her some combs for her hair. So, she sold her hair and got him the chain, in the meantime he had sold his watch and got her the combs for her hair. It was a sweet beautiful movie so if anyone sees it let me know. I would love a copy.

My other favorites are A Christmas Story and White Christmas.

What are yours?

Sunday, November 21, 2004

The case of the disappearing coffee grounds, or, grounds for mental health counseling:

Okay, I admit it was a bit odd a few weeks ago, when after mixing up a batch of low carb brownies I tried to put the pan in the dishwasher to bake them. It didn’t take me long to evaluate the situation and realize something was amiss. I immediately recognized that this was the dishwasher and would be utilized to wash the pan once the brownies had been baked, but in the meantime, I did move them to the oven to bake them.

Now we come to the disappearing coffee grounds. The other day I picked up more coffee. I set the coffee up at night for the next morning following my normal procedure. I remove the old coffee filter with the used coffee grounds and deposit that in the trashcan. I put in a new filter, refill with fresh grounds, fill the coffee maker with water so I can just turn it on when I get up in the morning. The next evening as I went to remove the old coffee grounds I found a wet but empty coffee filter. This took me by surprise, but then I thought, well maybe I had emptied it during the day to make hot water for tea, which I occasionally do, so went about my way tossing out the wet filter, putting in a new one, refilling with coffee grounds, filled the water and the next morning turned it on and brewed the coffee.

Okay…. That evening when I went to remove the old filter to toss out the used coffee grounds once again… NO COFFEE GROUNDS!! Now, I knew there was no way I would forget two days in a row if I had emptied it during the day to put on water for tea. Was I going crazy? Losing what mind I had left? Was I in the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s? Deep breath… think about this…. Read the coffee container… what? Instant coffee????? Yep, I had grabbed the wrong container at the store. It looked like the regular coffee container but there it was in small letters…. Instant coffee! Nope, I wasn’t losing my mind… at least not completely.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Control Issues and Power Struggles: To put it point blankly I do not suffer fools gladly. Also, anyone who knows me knows in the past I have had issues with control. This is something I have worked on and have come to understand and even control. Now when I am doing a project and someone offers to help or tries to help I simply tell them I don't work well with others and even refer back to my first report card that simply stated, Bonita does not play well with others. Okay, now you have it. But, I do know I have this issue so avoid situations where it may become a problem. Now we have a problem. The weight loss group I belong to will be voting on new officers in March. I have been asked to run for the position of Leader. Our current leader, is a very nice woman outside the group and we get along great, but in the group she is a little tyrant and has turned people off from the group and some have even quit. Other guests never joined because of her. I don't feel I am that bad, but as I said I do not suffer fools gladly and there is a lot in the group if I were leader I would not tolerate.

When I have an issue with her I simply approach her after the meeting and tell her my feelings and we talk. Some simply back bite and gripe about her. I don't want that to happen as I have a lot of friends in this group. My fear is some will find me a bit overwhelming as a leader, start this behind the back talking, and the friendships will become luke warm at best. I'm not sure I would be a good leader simply because of the control issues. They have promised to let me know if I go over the line. I am having doubts about whether this is a good idea. As I said giving a leadership position to someone trying to overcome control issues is like opening up a bar to a recovering alcoholic.

I'll have to think on this one.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

What Online Subculture are you? Thought it was time to have a little fun again...

Which internet subculture do I belong to? [CLICK]
You are a Conspiracy Theorist!
Holy cow! You actually did an online quiz? Little did you realise that the information you gave us is being sent to an unknown government agency for evil use against you! Don't try to leave, we are already watching.
More Quizzes at Go-Quiz.com

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Race and Medicine: Recently on the news was a spot about a new medication that has been developed to treat heart problems in blacks. I learned that black people have more heart problems and different types of heart ailments than white people. The news headline started off stating there was a controversy over this new medication and should medications be developed based on race. One white doctor said it would cause issues because it made it seem as if there were genetic differences between black people and white people. Uh... well... yeah... guess what doc? There are! A black doctor spoke at the college about a year ago and one point he made over and over was white doctors had no business treating black patients because of the genetic differences and white doctors didn't know how to treat black patients. I guess it would go both ways, but that's not what this post is about.

Why shouldn't a drug be developed to treat specific ailments in specific races. That's like saying we shouldn't develop an aids virus because not every gets aids. No one thought anything about developing a drug to treat sickle cell anemia which affects only blacks, so why the uproar over this new drug. Are people just looking for controversy? Just looking for ways to start problems between the races? Let's antagonize people by making it look like we are favoring one race of the other as if there has never been a drug developed that was tested only on white people. Wake up America! Don't get caught up in such foolishness. Just my humble opinion.

Life is a pissing contest.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Fast Food Girl: A comment made by Victoria to my previous blog reminded me of this poem I had written a few years back. It is about the wife of a friend of mine who works in the fast food industry and at the time worked at Wendy's.

Fast Food Girl
by Bonita Rivas

She serves up burgers and fries,
Fake smiles and happy lies,
“Would you like a drink?”
At least she doesn't have to think,
Just take the money, give back the change,
Don't worry if she's a little strange,
She serves up burgers and fries,
Fast food and happy lies.

She wipes the tables, washes trays,
Never has much to say,
Ask her opinion she doesn’t know,
"Is that for here, or do you want it to go?"
That's what you get from a fast food girl,
She lives in her own little world,
Serving up burgers and fries,
Fake smiles and happy lies.

She sweeps the floor, gets out the mop,
Cleans up other peoples slop,
Her hours change from day to day,
She doesn't care, just collects her pay.
She knows in her heart there's so much more,
Says goodnight as she walks out the door,
Goes home smelling of burgers and fries,
Serves fake smiles and happy lies.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Chalk: I went to buy more chalk for my husband, who is an associate professor of math at a local college. When paying I said in passing, to the cashier, how I thought it was unfair teachers have to buy their own supplies. She shrugged nonchalantly and replied in a snotty tone that all teachers had to buy their own supplies. I said, hmmmm, but doesn't it seem unfair that teachers, who have one of the most important jobs out there (teaching your children) and are also one of the lowest paid should have to buy their own supplies? She reiterated her last remark about all teachers having to do it. So, why not other professions I asked? Would it be fair for cashiers such as yourself to have to buy your own cash register tape in order to perform your job? Would it be fair for bus drivers to have to buy their own gas? Or secretaries having to buy their own ink cartridges, paper, and such? She looked at me as if I were crazy and said that was different, because all teachers have to buy their own supplies. Hmmmmmmmm... so if suddenly all businesses started making their employees buy their own supplies I wonder how long people would accept it and not stand up and say, Hey! this is wrong! But hey, it's only the teachers who have to do it and since ALL teacher have to, it's okay. Any comments?

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Deny me my right to vote? I think not! When I got to my voting precinct this morning, even though I had my voter registration card in hand with the Black River Civic Center Folsum Park as my voting precinct I was told my name was not on the roster and I was at the wrong place to vote. I told them to read my card, this was where I voted last election, and it is where I am to vote. The told me I could do a provisional ballot. I told them no way! I said, "they aren't counted until after the election is over, correct?" The two people who were trying to deny me my right to vote shrugged their shoulders and said that was my problem. I told them, no, it was there problem. The man told me to go sit off to the side and he would see what he could do. The woman, snottily, came over and told me I would have to to go the court house and see if I could find out what had happened and they would tell me where I was supposed to vote. I explained again I was to vote right there. She said then I would have to use the provisional ballot and refused to help me. The man said he had been trying to contact the court house for two hours because others were having issues also but he couldn't get through and made what looked like an effort to get through and then told me to go to the court house myself. I refused. The woman came over and started snapping at me that it would be easier if I did it myself. I told her easier on her, but I was there to vote now. She told me I could sit there until 4 PM and maybe she could get the court house for me then. I blew!!!


An elderly couple were also being denied and she said let me see your card. She verified the information for everyone listening and the people running the shindig were looking horrified. I thought they were looking for Michael Moore and the hidden cameras. I started once again..."IF YOU WERE GIVEN A PROVISIONAL BALLOT AND YOU KNOW YOU ARE REGISTERED TO VOTE DON'T USE THE BALLOT AND YOUR VOTE WILL NOT COUNT. DEMAND YOUR RIGHT TO A REGULAR BALLOT."

Darned, if that guy didn't dial the court house and lo and behold! he got through first try. They had changed my name!! My voter registration is under Johnson but they had listed me as Rivas on the roster! Another friends husbands address was changed and they told him he would have to go clear across town to vote. We called the voter complaint line and left our complaints.

Another friend said she doubted there was a conspiracy because I am a democrat and the man is a republican. I said we don't register our party, but they are profiling. I am hispanic, he is on disability. Two groups who would normally vote democratic. Anyway.... I fought for my rights and I won. Remember your voice is the most powerful weapon you have right now.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Pictures! Pictures! Finally got my film developed so here are the pics of me receiving my trophy for Big Loser of the month for Sept., for my TOPS group, and one of me recieving my charm for losing 40 pounds. You get a charm bracelet or charm pin for the 1st 10 pounds, then a charm when you lose 20 lbs., then you get a charm for every 20 pounds. So, I will get another when I reach 60 pounds. I will also get one at 47 pounds because I will be half way to goal.

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Big Loser For September

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40 lbs lost charm!

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

The Shrub speaks with forked tongue: Yes, while our current pResident of the White House talks about Kerry flip flopping on the issues, I wonder if he listens to himself.

First he says the reason he banned allowing our citizens the freedom to choose to get less expensive drugs from Canada, and thus allow our senior citizens to save some of the meager social security he has left for them, is because drugs from other countries may be contaminated.

Now - due to the shortage of flu vaccines due to contamination by (not an England company, but an American company outsourced to England) that we will negotiate with Canada for more vaccine.

Which is it Shrub? are you flip flopping on this issue?

Then he says John Kerry has never been to a senate meeting to vote on anything... please rewatch all three debates or read the transcripts... this was one of his repeat lines.

And in the same debates he says that John Kerry voted against certain issues 27 times, and another bill 47 times, and yet another bill... well, you get the picture. Fist John Kerry is never there to vote, but when it was convenient he found hundreds of times John Kerry was at the senate to vote.

Which is it Shrub? are you flip flopping on this issue?

Now I am not the most intelligent person on the face of the earth, nor the most politically in the know, but even I can see or rather hear there is something rotten in the state of bushism!

Monday, October 18, 2004

Plutocratpillar: This animatedcartoon was sent to me by a friend in Erie, PA. Thanks Rick! It really is good! Take a minute to check it out.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Forty pounds down - 54 more to go! Well, I wanted to post the picture of me getting my charm for 40 pounds, but we didn't have a charm presentation last thursday so the pic will have to wait until next week. On the same roll is a picture of me accepting the trophy for big loser of the month for September. This is with my local TOPS group in case you are a newbie to my site. I am in a weightloss program and have had my ups and downs and in this case have the downs are the best part. So pics will go up next week, but I just had to share the good news.

On the 7th I gave a presentation on Enthusiasm and had a blast with it. Did it cheerleader style and even had two of my compatriots in TOPS up front with pom poms and letter E's pinned on their shirts. It was a lot of fun to present and the group loved it. We had a big weight loss this week after some pretty dismal weeks and a lot of members said my presentation had inspired them. That was good to hear because sometimes I'm just not sure how my weird and crazy presentations are accepted.

Anyway, went for a nice long walk today and have plans to play tennis tomorrow, so I am keeping active, watching what I eat (no I don't eat in front of a mirror), and drinking my water. Seven more pounds and I will be half way to goal, so that is my next small goal and when I reach it I will post to let the world rejoice with me!

Monday, October 11, 2004

This one sort of surprised me. I mean, I enjoy reading, love to write poetry and novels, but really was a bit surprised by these results.

You're a literary minded as the Bard himself!
You are a complete literary geek, from knowing the
classics (even the not-so-well-known classics
and tidbits about them) to knowing devices used
in writing, when someone has a question about
literature, they can bring it to you and rest
assured; you know the answers.

How much of a literary geek are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Gee, is anyone who knows me surprised at this one?


You are Godless! You could care less about religion. As far as you're concerned, if you can't see, touch and kick something, it's not real to you. You're day-to-day activities consist of eating, working, sleeping and the occasional Internet or coffee shop debate. Lastly, if anyone chooses to preach at you otherwise, you will either leave or debate them until they finally shut up.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

From Depthmarker.com

Saturday, October 09, 2004


the albums you should have listened to before you die

...copy the list on to your blog, put in bold the ones you have listened to (completely from begining to end) and then add three more albums that you think people should have heard before they turn into their parents - remember, it isn't necessarily your most favourite albums but the ones you think people should listen to...and when we say listen we mean from track one through to the end...

1) Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band; The Beatles
2) London Calling; The Clash
3) Blood Sugar Sex Magik; Red Hot Chilli Peppers
4) Think Tank; Blur
5) This is Hardcore; Pulp
6) Moon Safari; Air
7) Elastica; Elastica
8) Never Mind the Bollocks Here's the Sex Pistols; Sex Pistols
9) OK Computer; Radiohead
10) The Kiss of Morning; Graham Coxon
11) Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders from Mars - David Bowie
12) The Wall - Pink Floyd13) Setting Sons - The Jam
14) America Beauty - The Grateful Dead
15)Toxicity - System of a Down
16)Train a Comin' - Steve Earle
17) Folksinger - Phranc
18 Come From the Shadows - Joan Baez
19) Bat out of Hell - Meatloaf

The chain is growing and with it the list: check out http://vicsjournal.blogspot.com/ and http://clearblueskies.blogspot.com/
for the latest updates I could find.

ARD:I'm finally getting around to posting about last weekend! Maybe someday I'll catch up with myself. Last weekend was spent in Manning, SC with other TOPS groups in our area. This was our Fall Rally or Area Recognition Day. This was the day all the people in our area groups recieved awards for most weight lost over the summer, perfect attendance over the summer, etc etc etc. We also saw a couple fun skits and had time to socialize with people in other groups. Below is a picture of the ones from my group who made it to the rally.

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There were a lot of nice door prizes and of course I won the one I couldn't use! Even when I went up to get it one of the women in the group had told another one that isn't Bonnie, I'll be she ends up giving that to Linda because it's something Linda would like. Now, I didn't hear it as I was up front recieiving the door wreath. So, I didn't know why everyone laughed when I walked back and hung it around Linda's neck and asked if she would like it. Below is a pic of me with the door prize that wasn't me.

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All in all it was a fun day and I'm glad I went.

Friday, October 08, 2004

Letterboxing: Want to add some fun and a new twist to your walks around your town, city, park, trail in the woods? Check out the two sites linked below and have some fun!



Monday, October 04, 2004

This weekend was spent in Manning with the local TOPS groups for our Area Recognition Day also known as the Fall Rally. We had a lot of fun and it was nice seeing others in the area. There were about 100 or more people there. Not a particularly exciting day. Some awards were given out, a couple of cute skits were performed and we had a nutritionist who gave a talk on ...well, nutrition. I did win one of the door prizes, but since it wasn't something I could use (see picture below) I passed it on to another member who loved it and wanted it.

She later told me her mother, also a member and who went with us, said "you know, Bonnie is a very nice person. She has a weird sense of humor, but I had a lot of fun with her today." I guess that about sums it up!

National Novel Writers Month (NaNoWriMo) starts November 1st, so get your fingers limbered up and your thoughts in order or not, sometimes chaos works best. Sign up to be a part of the thousands who will be attempting to complete a novel during that month. I am cheating this year and will be working on completing the novel I started last year during NaNoWriMo. I am such a procrastinator!

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Thursday, September 30, 2004

Dang Nabbit! Well, I was working to take off a pound and a half this week to make my 40 lb. loss mark, but fell short by one stinking stupid idiotic 1/2 POUND!! Sigh... oh well...next week. Next week we are having our ARD (Area Recognition Day) and I am supposed to get a couple charms there, for some accomplishments during the year. I will fill you in after the happening. This week I will lose that 1/2 pound and more!

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

From Tuesday Newsday:

From CNN

The Democratic and Republican nominees meet three times in 13 days, the first 90-minute forum beginning Thursday at 9 p.m. in Coral Gables, Florida. Their respective running mates, Sen. John Edwards and Vice President Dick Cheney, will debate on October 5 in Cleveland, Ohio.

1. Are you going to watch any, or all, of the debates?

Yes I am going to watch as many as I can. Even though I already know who I am voting for I still find these interesting.

2. Who do you think will win them?

If the votes are on content and who makes the most sense, from what I have heard so far I would say Kerry will win the debates. But if it goes to the one who can't dazzle you with his brilliance so baffles you with bullshit, then it will go to Bush, but I still have faith in my fellow Americans that they will see beyond the rhetoric and bullshit.

3. Do you think they will make a difference in the election?

I know it won't make any difference to me, but I also know people who are waiting for the debates to make up their minds, so yes, to some degree they will make a difference.

4. Are there going to be any local debates in your state or area? If so, will you watch, or attend those?

I haven't heard of any in my area, but if there were I would try to attend. It would be an interesting experience.

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Saturday, September 25, 2004

My Tampa Bay Bucs! It was bad enough when the Bucs management decided it was a good idea to fire Tony Dungy. After all, all he ever did for them was to take a losing team, a team that was the laughing stock of the NFL, and took them to the Super Bowl! But they didn't win, so the management in their infinite wisdom said he had not done enough and fired him. The John Gruden comes in, gets the great team Dungy built and wins the 2003 Super Bowl. But, Chucky, as he is affectionately? called because he resembles the Chucky doll, started getting rid of key players and the team lost it's momentum.

But now! Now they have cut me to the bone! They didn't renew my man, Warren Sapp's, contract! How dare they! This man was the heart of the team! The motivator! The one who when things looked the bleakest could spark the team and the fans with so much enthusiasm they could pull a win out of what looked like a sure loss.

He is now with the Oakland Raiders and who do they play this weekend? Yep, Oakland hosts The Tampa Bay Buccaneers!

"It's the hype that becomes bigger than anything else," Sapp said Wednesday. "The game's still played 11 on 11, bone on bone, first and second down, third down. You've got to bottle your emotions and go out and do what you're supposed to do.

"It'll be no different. I got no friends on offence. All my dogs play defence. I'm not going against them."

But he admits this one is for bragging rights. It also will be an emotional rematch of the 2003 Super Bowl, won 48-21 by the Bucs, who are led by former Raiders coach Jon Gruden.

Sapp, a seven-time Pro Bowl selection, agreed to a seven-year, $36.6 million US free agent contract with the Raiders in March.

Earlier this year, Sapp was optimistic about re-signing with the Bucs. But Tampa Bay general manager Bruce Allen - Al Davis' longtime senior assistant who left the Raiders in January - never made Sapp an offer.

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The team just isn't the same with you Warren! So who's next? My beloved Martin Grammatica?

Oh and this season, without Warren Sapp, The Redskins beat the Bucs 16-10 and The Seahawks beat the Bucs 10-6. Good going Buccaneer management! You sure know how to take a winning team and turn them into a bunch of losers.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Well, I didn't do it this week. I wanted to lose 3.5 pounds to reach another step in my weightloss program and reach the 40 lb. loss. I did lose 2 pounds which only leaves a pound and a half, so that will be next week. I guess I was asking too much of my body to drop 3.5 in one week, but others have done it so I thought, why not I? I wish I knew their secret and they aren't telling, because this week I drank lots and lots of water, walked, worked out at CURVES, even started moving books and book cases around the apt. No, the latter wasn't just for the hell of it, but by request. My husband would like all his math and stat books in his office and we decided all the videos that are currently in his office should go in the bedroom, since with the new arrangement I have the TV set up for easy viewing from bed. As my husband said, that is pure decadence! We love it! So, everyone wish me luck and keep thinking of me as thinner and thinner during the week!

The good news is one of my favorite women in the group, did get her first 20 lb. loss charm today. I don't know if she would want me to say her name, so JulieBird, if you are reading this I just want you to know how much you inspire me to lose. She never gives up no matter what happens. Oh sure, she gets down and depressed, but she pulls herself back up and gets back on track and keeps on going. She does so much for the group it seems we could never give enough back to her. We love ya, JulieBird!!

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Wednesday, September 22, 2004

I'm going to combine my We Have Brains response and my Tuesday Newsday response, since both link the same topic.

From We Have Brains:

Will women decide this next election? And if so, for whom will they decide? An article on NPR this morning said that Bush is winning the women's vote, in particular in the Bible thumping swing states like Ohio, where they are coming out in droves to vote for Bush because he is against gay marriage.

1. Does this worry you?
2. What, if anything can/should we do about it?
3. If you are planning to vote for a 3rd party candidate, does this information have any impact on you at all?

In response to the first question, YES!! Of course, it worries me. Any woman who would vote for someone wants to take away the rights we fought so hard to achieve, simply because they have a problem with same couple marriages is beyond me. Do they forget there was a time WOMEN had no rights and we had to fight for them? Now, women would deny others the same unalienable rights that once were withheld from them based on their sex?

What can we do about it? Vote! Make sure your vote counts and find others who have no way to get to the polls and take them with you. I live in the bible belt and believe me I am going to make my vote count!

I was not planning on voting for a 3rd party candidate so the information would not affect my vote. I am voting for the candidate I feel will best serve our country, our people, and be more fair and open minded in his judgement. How I wish I were saying in HER judgment.

From Tuesday Newsday:

1. Does this information have any impact Does this surprise you?
2. Do you think gay marriage is really the reason, or is something else causing women to lean toward Bush?
3. If you are planning to vote for a 3rd party candidate, on you at all?

1. Does this surprise me? Living in the bible belt I find it disgusting but not surprising. We are constantly having religious issues pushed down our throats even when we think we are in a non-religious place. The self-righteousness of it all is what bothers me, when they preach judge not lest ye be judged yourself and then sit in judgment of everyone who is not exactly like them.

2. I don’t want to believe it is just the gay marriage issue that is moving women towards Bush. He paints himself as the Christian president – he lied, he cheated, he stole the vote, he sent young boys to die in an illegal war – he has committed just about every sin listed and broken every commandment, yet because he SAYS he is a Christian and wants to put this so-called god into everything including war J, he has persuaded the bible belt he is their candidate. They are too easily led by astray and that is sad.

3. Has already been answered above.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Poetry in Sumter! Someone has finally opened up a forum for us poets here in Sumter, SC! I have tried to get open mic at our local coffee house, but they didn't want to stay open at night. Our only book store is in the mall, so no go there... but!! last night someone with some pull got the Opera House (which is no longer used) to open up and let some poets from Columbia, SC come in and wet our appetites for more.

The day started with a 4 PM poetry workshop, where we learned about imagery, strong endings, and having a question that needs answered in the poem. Kimberly Sims, a performance poet headed the workshop. What was sad was only one other person showed up. We need more culture in this little college town, but it is hard to get people to understand the beauty of poetry.

At 8:30 Kimberly performed some of her poems and also read some from page. I was totally impressed. She has a website if you would like to learn more about her. She has also been on the Columbia, SC slam team that won various competitions.

The South Carolina Slam team was great!! They did individual presentations and ones where they combined different views. One between the Minister and a young gay man each defending their point of view was especially exciting and awe inspiring. It was titled Only One Time and I am going to try to find the CD if only to share that one poem with everyone I know.

After they completed their performance they had open mic. Only 6 of the 25 people in the audience signed up for it and yes, yours truly was one. I performed my poem written for my maternal grandfather titled Irish Songs and was surprised in a 95% black audience that it was received so well. My poems aren't as loud or dynamic as what most performed, but I think my quiet poem after all the yelling into the mic might have been a pleasant change. Another young man, from Mexico, who learned to speak English but never to read it, read his poem in Spanish and he had the English translation, so one of the men from the Slam Team read the English version. His poem, like mine, was quiet and more personal and very very moving. What courage it took for him to get up there hoping someone would read the translation for him. He told me he writes for his soul and you could feel it in his words. As I told him, I didn't care if I couldn't understand all the words in Spanish, his reading was so moving you didn't care what the words meant, just how it made you feel.

Then the fun began!! Improv poetry!! What a hoot!!! The Columbia Slam Team does this for entertainment purposes only :-). They have people from the audience shout up ideas for a poem and each of them has to come up with a poem centered around that theme. One was chocolate shoes which one of the members actually managed to turn into a moving poem about her mother and a love of chocolate. When no one else could come up with a subject I suggested hummingbirds and two of the three, from the 5 member team, who were there did wonderful poems off the cuff. The third, the clown of the group, had us rolling on the floor with tears streaming we were laughing so hard as he walked to the mic, softly sang... oh hummingbird, oh hummingbird, I know nothing about you hummingbird. Then went on to do a little poem asking why someone would want him who knows nothing of hummingbirds to do a poem about hummingbirds, and then ended with his little song.

The evening ended on that note and a reassurance that this would become a monthly event in Sumter. I hope so!! I loved it!! I had a ball!! I wish it could be once a week!

Thursday, September 16, 2004

This is a favorite recent picture of me. Taken a few months back. The owner of this horse will not allow anyone over 200 pounds ride the horse. I only have 16 more pounds to go! It has been so long since I have ridden a horse and I am hoping to have it off by fall. There is nothing more exhilerating and freeing than being on horseback on a beautiful fall day. Of course, the fall here isn't the same as up north, but it will do in a pinch.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

I had a gain of a pound this week so three more pounds and I will have lost 40 pounds since joining TOPS a year ago. Not too shabby. I only have 57 lbs. more to go to reach my goal of 160. I remember when it was 94 pounds to goal and it seemed so far away and almost unattainable. I've had my ups and downs, but more downs (losses) than ups and am slowly getting there. I am now believing YES! I can do it!!

This is a test, this is only a test. If I finally have this figured out a picture of Keith and Mosby will appear below.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

If it wasn't for the Tuesday Newsday my blog would not have as many weekly updates. Looks like I missed last weeks, but this weeks has not eluded me.


It is still Monday as I write this. The assault weapons ban ends today. Do you think it should?

No, not only should it not end but the word ban should be changed to law. We ban smoking in public places, we ban spitting on sidewalks, but using the word ban when applying it to something like assault weapons seems wrong.

Some people have claimed that no law is better than a faulty law. For example, the current law bans AK-47s but gun manufacturers can issue weapons that slightly differ from the AK-47 and suddenly be legal. Does this invalidate the current law, or is having some weapons banned better than having none?

As I stated above this should become a law not a ban that can be lifted, like a curfew. Not only should it become a law but it should be made stronger. To say the ban should end because it doesn't cover enough areas is ridiculous. Our govt. should just admit the strong influence of the NRA has on their decision to lift this so-called ban. If the current ban or law isn't strong enough, make it stronger!

And finally, if you could write your own weapons ban law, what would you ban?

No weapons that can fire more than one bullet per pull of the trigger will be sold to any individual regardless of standing in the community or weapons training. Assault weapons or repeat fire arms are for military use only and are not necessary for hunting or self defense. Therefor there is no reason for an individual to own such a weapon.

Concealed weapons should be limited to small arms that are not repeat fire weapons and the person must carry their concealed weapons license and proof of weapons training at all times. If the weapon is used in any case other than self defense the person will lose their license, be subjected to fines and jail regardless of the use of the weapon.

Collectors will be limited to weapons that are disabled and no longer usuable as weapons. If a collector has an enabled assault weapon in his or her collection that person must render the weapon disabled and will be subject to fines and or jail time for possession of an illegal weapon.

Friday, September 10, 2004

Hurricanes and Florida: This is just my humble opinion on why so many hurricanes have been hitting and destroying Florida these past weeks. Remember the last election when Al Gore won Florida, then suddenly he didn't and then thousands of the votes for Gore were lost and the others couldn't be counted for various reasons and lo and behold because of all this chicanery we now have The Shrub in office. Now, Shrub and family claim to be good christian god fearing folk. Hmmmm.... let's see, they lied, they cheated, they stole the election. In office he lied, he cheated, stole from the poor and gave to rich, stole a lot of our freedoms while we were sleeping, started an illegal war and justified killing thousands of innocent people... and now, here we are coming up on another election and he's out their toting his stuff again and I think this god of theirs is totally pissed off at him and his family and has decided this. Since it was the fault of Florida and Mr. Jeb that the Shrub is in office now, well, why not just wipe Florida off the map and then we won't have that problem come this election. Make sense?

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Another Tuesday Newsday:representation

Now it's the Republican's turn for a convention. Do you think this convention represents the Republican party as you see it? The speakers, the location, the subjects?

And speaking of representation, I must admit I find CNNs choices of commentators for the Democrats versus the Republicans to be particularly offensive (okay so much for unopinionated questions.) For the Democrats they had, among others, Mo Rocka, whom I enjoy but who is basically a comedian, down on the floor interviewing the Dems. For this convention, he has been replaced by Carlos Watson, a conservative political analyst who is anything but funny. To me this says they are putting a much more "serious" light on the Republicans than the Democrats. What do you think?

UPDATE: Mo Roccas is BACK! So either more people than me saw the discrepancy in the representation, or my blog is more powerful than I could have imagined. (Yeah, right!) However, he has been added to the list of pundits, which is longer than the Democratic list, still giving the Republicans more representation than the Democrats.

My response:
I'm not watching the RNC because from what I saw they are sinking as low as they can go in their speeches. Cheney trying to make jokes about Kerry changing opinions fell flat. They act as if someone who stubbornly clings to his decision regardless of how wrong he is proven, is better than someone willing to listen and make changes if he finds he made a wrong choice.

As for the commentators I have to agree it does seem they are trying to bias people by acting as if the DNC was a big joke and making it look like the real joke, the RNC, should be taken seriously, but what they should take seriously are the 300,000 people marching and protesting the RNC. I have always watched CNN for up to date information, but they are really irritating me with this tactic. You have to wonder how much the RNC paid them.

I find it tacky on Bushes part to hold the RNC in NYC trying to take advantage of 9/11. But like I said they have sunk pretty low. I did see part of Bush's wife's speech and she was pretty bad stumbling over words and such, but then maybe she was just trying to make her hubby not look so bad when he gets up to make his speech.

Just my humble opinion.... :-)

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Another Tuesday Newsday and of course I'm more than a day late and a dollar short!

Two issues have recently been raised in regards to political ads.

First are the 527 Group Ads both sides are using to attack one another.

Should ALL 527 Group ads be condemned or only those with obviously false information?

Should all 527 group ads be made illegal?"

I'm going to answer both of those questions at one. While I would like to say all 527 ads should be made illegal, we have to remember we do have freedom of speech. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and is entitled to voice that opinion...

However! If the statements they are making are false then they are committing a crime and should be prosecuted. They should have to retract the ads, make a public apology ad, pay fines and even serve time. I don't care which side they are accusing they should get the facts straight and only air what is true, not what is heresay or obviously blatant lies.

When a member of the Bush campaign team appears in a 527 group ad, and a major Bush donor finances these same ads with a $100,000 donation can the 527 group still be called independent?

When a member of a campaign team appears in a 527 or a major donor to the campaign finances the ads with any amount of money, then no, they are no longer independent ads and the candidate becomes responsible for the content of the ad and again, if the ads prove to be lies then the candidate himself/herself should be prosecuted and be made to make a public apology, retract the statements, pay fines and even serve time. If an average citizen can be prosecuted for printing lies about another person, why not a politician?

And second, there's the Bush Ad using the Iraqi Olympic Soccer team.
Is Mr. Bush in violation of the IOC regulations which state that
the organization “shall be non-political and may not promote the candidacy of a individual seeking public office."
Was it right to use the images of the Iraqi Soccer team without their approval, or ANYONE's images without their approval? The Iraqi Soccer players were very upset about this ad.

Now that is just disgusting! No, he had no right to use the Iraqi Soccer teams images in his campaign ads without their permission. This is a very delicate time for them and regardless of whether king george thinks he freed the slaves, they may feel differently and might feel it tarnishes their image to be pictured in these ads. It is against the Olympic rules for any athlete to voice any political feelings and for georgie to use them in such a way is just sickening. He should be made to place an ad apologizing for his insensitivity and illegal actions. Hey can we impeach him on this one :-)?

Friday, August 20, 2004

The kittens are gone!! Yep, we found homes for all of them. I put an ad in the paper that started Wednesday morning and by Wednesday afternoon all were adopted. Three went to one family where each child wanted one of their own. I tried to talk them out of it thinking it might be too much for the parents, but they said they had five kittens at one time. So, off they went. Another went to a young woman who wanted one to snuggle and the last went to an elderly woman who had just lost her cat and was so happy to see the ad in the paper. Mosby, the mother cat, took the kittens leaving better than my husband who had empty nest syndrome for the first night. Once he saw how much more relaxed Mosby was sans kittens he came around and agreed it was the best thing. The other cats are getting back to normal not feeling threatened about being replaced by those little buggers. I'm glad they all went to good homes and will not let that little slut out of the house until her "cat"alytic converter has been removed!

Monday, August 16, 2004

Tuesday Newsday time again:

It's time for the Olympics!

1. Have you, are you going to, watch?

I keep meaning to watch, but the way it is set up these past years doesn't make it easy. I mean, I only want to watch a few events, but they intersperse the events so you see part of one, then part of another, then another, then back to your event and sometimes when I see the people on the podium I'm not sure what event just ended!

2. If so, what events will you watch? If not, did you used to and why don't you?

I like diving, swimming, and the real gymnastics...not rhythmic (that's a joke as far as I'm concerned. don't even know if they still consider that an olympic event.)

3. What's your most memorable "Olympic moment" (and no we're NOT talking about your honeymoon.)

My most memorable Olympic moment is when Greg Luganis hit the diving board with his head. I was sure he had killed himself and then later they showed him with the bandage on his head and his teddy bear had one on it's head.

4. Does it bother you when the U.S. loses, or does not get the most medals, or gold medals (FYI, we're in 3rd place for medals, 4th for gold medals as I write this.)

No, it doesn't bother me. I just like to see people do their best and enjoy themselves. Heck! they made it to the olympics! I hate it when I find out someone won by cheating - using drugs or something like that - it takes away from the fun of the games.

5. Have you ever known anyone who was in, or at least tried out for, the Olympics?
Not anyone I know personally ... I don't think Karen Kadavy (an ice skater from Erie Pa) ever tried out... her dad ran the ice skating rink where I skated)... but my neighbors niece is a groomer for the Canadian equestrian team ...does that count?

Monday, Monday! So much to do, so little time!! So I have 6 minutes to post something here today and then I have to conquer the back office! This is the first day of school, so my husbands vacation has ended and mine has begun... just kidding, hon!!! Anyway, I set up the kittens in the playpen, gave them food, water, a clean litter box, toys, and then placed a net over them and thought all was safe and I could clean the kitchen. WRONG!!! First they dumped the water all over the playpen, mixed litter in with it that covered them and the playpen, wanting to get away from the mess a couple climbed the netting on the playpen and managed to climb over the top bar and get caught between the top netting and the playpen. What fun. Okay, they go back to the bathroom, I take down the playpen and take it outside and hose it off. So, for now mommy and kittens are in the front bathroom.

Keith is going to make an announcement during the afternoon meeting and hopefully some of the teachers or staff members will be interested and adopt a couple. I am also going to place an ad in The Item, our local paper, and hope for some responses. I hate the thought of taking them to the SPCA and that will definitely be a last resort.

The storms missed us, as we knew they would, and while the news was showing SC as being windblown and devastated we were sitting outside enjoying the sunny day. It went up the coast and did not affect us. What a mess though in the places they did hit. Of course, I got a lot of ribbing since Bonnie was named after me, or at least those who know me claim. I wonder if they are trying to tell me I'm a lot of air. Hmmmmm....

Well, my time is up...have to post this and then go clean that damn office!!! Kittens are still available and awaiting your loving home!!!!

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Mosby Update: Well, the kittens will be five weeks old tomorrow and all are eating on their own now and spending more and more time away from Mosby. Currently the kittens are in a playpen in the living room and mommy is laying out here by my computer. It is peaceful at least if not a bit overcrowded. We put the kittens in the bathtub at night to keep them out of trouble and put mommy in the bathroom and close the door. This morning when I opened the door all the kittens were out of the tub! Yep, they are getting too big and too frisky! They love their little playpen for now (picked it up at a flea market), but soon they will be able to get out of that too. Mosby is gaining weight and her broken jaw is healing nicely. The vet said to just keep doing whatever it is we're doing.

Also, found a pair of bookends for $3.00 that match one of the nightlights my husband collects so that was a great find and a few other treasures. I will have to go back again.

In the meantime, our friend Cynthia had to go out of town suddenly so I am making trips a few times a day to her house to care for her menangerie. For those who don't remember, she has an adorable little cat named Fang, whom she claims is a great stalker and killer of wildlife. All I've ever seen Fang do is lay on a cushioned stool in front of the back door watching the backyard, crouching terrified on a windowsill outside when she does go out, and rolling around getting scratched and petted before I leave. I have renamed her FangDangle.

It's getting cooler here again and I am hoping to get some tennis in tonight if all goes well.

So, if anyone is ready to come pick up their kittens just post a note here and I'll get them ready. We have four little girls and one boy!

Thursday, July 29, 2004

From Tuesday Newsday:
Tuesday, July 27, 2004

convention time

There's not much else in the news this week except the Democratic Convention, which I admit I AM watching, although I have my doubts as to the usefulness of conventions these days, and those are my questions...Are you going to watch either/both of the conventions? Are there particular people whose speeches you are looking forward to? And given that we do all know who the candidates are going to be before going into the conventions, and I can't imagine we're going to get any surprises, is all the expense, security, hoopla and press worth it?
I mean to watch... I want to watch... I keep forgetting to watch. Over the years the conventions have become boring to me mainly because we now know who the candidate will be long before the convention. It used to be the votes were cast that night and we found out at the end of the convention who the candidate would be. Knowing in advance takes away from the drama.
It seems to me we could do this much more efficiently and get more excitement going if we didn't have so many speakers! One night of the old guard and a second night to highlight the new candidates, but four nights is too much.
I wanted to watch last night because the two candidates I was really backing were speacking, Dennis Kucinich and Howard Dean, but would you believe I forgot to turn it on! Sigh! Tonight John Kerry will be speaking and I will try to remember to turn it on. I did manage to catch Hilary and Bill Clinton, still a class act and still able to generate a lot of excitement, but wouldn't it have been much more exciting to end the first night with the Clintons and then bring John Kerry and John Edwards on the next night?
Just my humble opinion... but then as one of my friends once said to me... Bonnie, when did you ever have a HUMBLE opinion?

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Mosby Cat update: Last update we were taking the little cat to the vet for her broken jaw. They did pin it back together and kept her until she started eating. And now, we have her and her five babies living in the front bathroom. She is doing well as are the babies who are adorable. She lets me hold them and carry them around, but she does do a head count when I put them back and checks me out to make sure I'm not hiding one. We have to take her back to the vets once a week for 6 weeks so they can check the pins and on the 6th week they take them out. She is on antibiotics but takes them mixed in with her food, so it is easy to give it to her. We can't fool our other cats like that, so have to give it to them the hard way.
My husband says this is natures payback to me. I wouldn't let him go to the SPCA to visit the cats because I was always afraid he would bring another one or two home, so he said nature gave him all these to make up for that. We'll see about that! We already have too many cats and these are getting adopted out as soon as they are old enough. He says I talk tough but he thinks he can soften me up on this one.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

From Tuesday Newsday:
Do you keep up with the news while on vacation or otherwise away from home for an extended period? If so, how (newspaper/tv, etc.)? And has any major news item ever happened while you were out of touch with the news, shocking you when you found out after the fact?
I don't take that many vacations, but when I do I tend to leave the real world behind and all it's problems. If I am at someone's house and they have the news on I will watch it, or if they have a local paper laying around I will read it just to get a flavor of the local news. I don't actively seek a means of keeping up with the news. I don't remember anything major ever happening while I was on vacation and not paying attention to the news. Generally, if something big happened someone would tell me anyway.

Saturday, July 17, 2004

It's Quintuplets! Those who know us already know this story, but for those who pop in to catch up on our latest happenings through this blog probably don't know about the little gray feral cat that had been hanging around here.  Well, for the longest time we thought she was a he and named him Mosby. One day Mosby started looking a little round around the belly and soon got bigger and bigger. We fed her regularly and on July 5th she came into the apt and dropped two little babies for us. She then took them back outside and hid them and we didn't see her for a day. Then she came back skinny and sleek again and wanted her meal. On July 12 Keith said he heard kittens crying outside. I said no way and went out to look and sure enough mommy cat was moving her little ones to our place. We have an old couch outside our front window and she moved them all there. Now she is closer to her food source and the babies are safe. When she wants food she sits on top of the couch and looks in the window and one of us will jump up and take her some food. I try to feed her every 3 hours to keep up her strength to nurse all those fat little babies of hers. Anyone want a kitten? or two? or three? Once they come out from under the couch I will try to post some pictures here.

Saturday, July 03, 2004

I'm so proud of my husband! While at his heart doctors a few weeks ago, he asked for a diet to use during his 7 weeks away from teaching. The doctor said he should do the South Beach Diet, so we got the book and began the day after his last day of teaching for the semester. We have been on it two weeks and he has gone down a shirt size and a pant size and has stuck to it! Usually we start off with good intentions and then cheat along the way, but this diet has been so good we never feel hungry and have stopped craving sweets and starches! Amazing! I haven't lost as much as him, but I had already lost 32 pounds before starting. I keep telling people I have turned into a vegematic. I will warn anyone thinking about going on this diet it is a lot of work... at least for someone like me who is used to popping something frozen into the microwave and heating it up. I chop, I dice, I slice and I even clean up after. I keep joking the secret to the diet isn't what you eat, but time spent walking around the grocery stores finidng all the items for the dishes, preparing the dishes, and cleaning up after. But it is worth it to me to see my husband dropping the weight and to have him walk with me again and not have his feet hurt so much he can't walk too far or long. It is worth it to me to hear my husband say, "I'll take out the trash today." Maybe that doesn't sound like much but from not having the energy to get up out of his chair to volunteering to do chores is a big step up. I am so proud of him and know he will be down even more before the fall semester starts.

Water Resistant Watches and stuff: My husband is a movie buff and yes, sometimes we do watch them in the buff, but that has nothing to do with this blog, except I was at Kmart buying him a couple new DVD racks because they had a sale. While there I decided to check out their water resistant watches. I like to swim and a couple of my friends have nice pools. We have one at the complex here, but something happened to make it not fun for me there anymore. The point is, when my husband is working I like to be home when he gets home. Don't ask me why, because I couldn't explain it, but for the first time in my life I want to be there! I enjoy seeing him off to work and greeting him when he gets home. I know, I know... syrupy but it's true. So, when I am at my friends places I tend to be concerned about the time and end up getting out of the pool early so I make sure to get home in time. Which brings us to the water resistant watch. Anyway, I was looking at the watches but no one was working the jewelry dept. so I went over to the customer service and asked them to call someone to help me as the watches, of course, were locked up. An Indian (from India) woman came over and I asked which of the watches were water resistant. She looked at me and slapped her hand around the glass cases and "watches!" I asked her which were water resistant as I needed one to wear swimming. She slapped the counter again and said, "watches." Okay, she didn't understand American, but here she was working at a store where she would need to communicate with American speaking customers. Hmmmmmmm. Okay, one more try... water proof? I asked. "You read and see," she said. Oh boy!! Well, I finally found them and picked one out and pointed it out to her. She said, "you come around counter to pay." aha!! she can say the all important words. I am going to write to the corporate office of Kmart because that is totally unacceptable for customer service. I have applied at these stores and get no response simply because I am over 50, yet, I am energetic, personable, have worked years in customer and service and can even speak the language. Maybe I should walk in and say, no speak american, am rude, but you hire me because .... hmmmm....why???

Sunday, June 27, 2004

How to make a ZephyrBird

1 part competetiveness

3 parts ambition

1 part joy
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of emotion

ZephyrBird is poisonous! Induce vomitting if ingested.


From Go-Quiz.com

No smoking around Bonita. Thankyou for your co-operation.


From Go-Quiz.com

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Holding grudges: Someone I know told me this story about something that happened over 30 years ago, and she has never forgiven her husband for his actions. They had just had a new baby and while the baby was lying in her crib, their siamese cat jumped up and scratched the little girl across her face. The husband immdediately grabbed the cat, took it to the SPCA and left it there. She tells me this is unforgivable as she loved that cat and he should never have done that. My feelings are she should have loved her daughter more than the cat and I would have done exactly what the husband did, but she cannot and will not see it that way. So, I am wondering how many others hold grudges for that long and what makes them so angry they can't let go of it, so I am going to post a mini meme here and hope I get some answers. I guess I find it difficult to understand, because while I do get angry at people, I get over it and move on.

1. Do you hold grudges? and if so are you holding one now?

2. If you answered yes to the above question what is the situation that caused you to be so angry you cannot let go of it?

Thanks for playing. This is something I have been mulling over for awhile and since I couldn't sleep decided to blog about it.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

From Tuesday Newsday:

SpaceShipOne, reached 328,491 feet, which is 408 feet (124 meters) above the internationally recognized boundary of outer space. In celebration of science in the news for once, my questions have to do with this news story. As usual, feel free to answer one, any or all of them.

1. What do you think of private spacecraft? Are they the way of the future or a waste of materials and fuel, or something else?

Private spacecraft? I didn’t even know there were private spacecraft? Can I get one? Back in the 50’s spaceships were the way of the future, but I don’t think they are now. We don’t have the spirit of adventure anymore. A waste of materials and fuel? We probably waste more on more trivial things, but I am sure people would protest if some started flying their own spacecraft. But wouldn’t it be fun!

2. What do you think of NASA? Are they still effective? Should they be doing more? Are they just a waste of materials and fuel? Should we be exploring space at all?

I think NASA is so afraid of controversy they are more into worrying about every nut and bolt than the exploration of space. The oceans were once the great unknown and now it is outerspace, even though we have explored some regions, there is so much more to see and learn and know. I wish they would resume more space flights and no, I don’t see it as a waste of materials and fuel. I see not going a waste of unlearned knowledge and ideas.

3. Is space the final frontier? Or should we be directing exploratory resources to the ocean bottom? Or somewhere else? Or perhaps exploration is done?

I wish I had read ahead! As I said above we have explored the oceans and even though there is probably more to see and find it is no longer a great unknown. Yes, in my mind at least, space is the final frontier and I hope we keep going and going but not destroy it along the way as we have the earth and the oceans.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

From Tuesday Newday:


Welcome to Tuesday Newsday! Each Tuesday I will post a subject related to an issue in the news, links to articles about that issue, and questions about the issue. If you choose to participate, you will write a response on your own blog and post the link here. You're welcome to try to respond in comments, but the text is limited and you may find it frustrating. As far as the response, think of the subject as a writing prompt, not something you have to answer directly.


Tuesday, June 15, 2004
god and country
Fifty years ago the words "under God" were added to the Pledge of Allegiance. Yesterday, the Supreme Court threw out a case to remove them, not because it disagreed, but on a technicality, avoiding having to make an opinion on this issue. This issue has come up over and over during the past decades.

Another recurring issue that has come up again recently has to do with praying before football games, and other sporting events.

So, my questions are:

1. Do you think public Christian prayer is acceptable in a country that preaches acceptance of all, or no, religion?

No, I do not think it is acceptable. We have to remember that America was once called the melting pot because all nationalities, religions, races, etc. lived together here and to live in the harmony our govt. likes to pretend we have we have to accept different religions and respect them. By having a christian prayer before a sporting event, which makes no sense, because even if there is a god do you think that entity would care who won or lost a sporting event? Anyway, whatever happened to the moment of silence that allowed the freedom of praying (if one wanted) or meditation or maybe just standing there doing nothing if that is what the person wants. We need to ge back to the freedom part of America and the so-called Christians need to realize they are not the only ones living here.

2. Do you think the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance overstep the separation of church and state.

Yes and no. Every religion, except atheism, believes in a god in one form or another. When I was in school and at one point stopped believing in god I simply skipped over that word and said, one nation (pause) indivisible..etc etc etc... my suggestion is we change God to god to incorporate god in all forms. After all some people worship money and that is their god and one nation under money stands true for us. Also, give the children a choice and not punish those who choos not to say under god in the pledge. Again...we have to get back the freedom part of living in a free country.

I know these are two different issues, so if you only feel like answering one, so be it!

Good blogging to all!

Friday, June 11, 2004

Also from Sarah's site.

Your Miroku! all that matters in life is who is
going to be your next boyfriend/girlfriend and
where to take him/her next. Not to worry
though, because you are bright and you do your
school work. And hey, you even have a fan club!

What Inuyasha Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

This is a meme from my sister's stepdaughter's site. Sarah is 12 years old and I thought this was rather a fun meme, so thought I would post it.

From Theater Thursday

1) Which magical power would you like to have (in order to further the cause of good for mankind, of course)? Which magical power would you like to have that you would keep hidden, guiltily, cackling about it under your sheets at night?

The ability to know what other people are thinking, so I would know if they were telling me the truth or lying.

2) If you had a flying broomstick, would you use it? Where would you go?

I do have one!! just kidding, although some people accuse me of owning one... are they calling me a witch? But if I did have one, oh yes, I would definitely use it and my first trip would be back to Erie, PA to visit family and then I would hope it was powerful enough to travel the world.

3) If you could briefly turn yourself into an animal, what would it be?

A cat. They are magical by nature.

Bonus) Do you believe in magic?

I don't believe in magic because to me that implies magic tricks, but I do believe in the magical world where things can happen we don't understand.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

From the Tuesday Newsday meme:

1. Who is/are your favorite political blogger(s)?

I presume you mean sites other than yours and Karls. One site I found is the following.


2. Is she/he/they right wing, middle of the road or left wing?

You know, I’m not sure…I’m going to say left wing but this is more an informative site than an opinion site.

3. What issues to they tend to keep up with the most?

Mainly Iraq and the current govt. right now, but also about past history and how we tend to forget what has happened in the past as we charge ahead making the same mistakes over and over. A lot of thought provoking reads.

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Week in Review: Haven't been on much lately and haven't been moved or inspired to write on the blog. So, have decided to just sit down and do a week in review. I've been having too much fun lately! Monday morning was spent in the pool. The apt. complex has finally opened it up for the season and the new people taking care of it are terrific! Monday night it was off to tennis and then back in the pool. Tuesday a bunch of us met at a friends house for...yep... a day in the pool. Then Wednesday we met at another friends house for... uh huh... a day in her pool. Hers is great because the deepest it gets is 4.5 feet so we were able to play water volleyball and have a blast. Even the ones afraid of the water got in and we walked them to a seat, built into the pool, where they were able to sit in the water, watch the game and enjoy the pool. Thursday was TOPS and even though I only lost half a pound, it was a loss. Friday more tennis and pool time and then movie night. I lasted for two movies then went to bed, while Keith and Cindy (our regular for Friday night at the movies) watched another. Keith got to bed around 3 a.m. This morning I went to CURVES and then back into the pool at the complex here. As I said I have been having entirely too much fun!

On another note I have started scanning more things to put up on Ebay. Got a bit lax on that lately. And am in another scrabble tournament, but am not doing so great there this time. I am losing ALL my games! As my sister, Victoria, says at least I am making my opponents happy. Hey, I do my best to make people happy.

Life is good!!!

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Hail to the Cheese (from Vic's site)
That's trite folks, this week's gets political with its moldy, oldy self.

So, enough jibber jabber, let's get to the questions!

1. If you had a choice of dinner with George W. Bush or John Kerry, which would it be, why and what would you serve?

John Kerry, so we could discuss his image and the fact he spends too much time defending the allegations the Shrub people put out about him to distract the public from the real issues. I would tell him to talk with President Clinton and learn from his campaign on how to win.

What would I serve? Roast with potatoes, onions, carrots... simple, easy to make and wouldn't distract me from the discussion by having to check on it all the time.

2. What are your three major criteria for choosing who to vote for?

(1) The economy...jobs!! Keeping manufactures in America! Too many of us are out of work because our jobs (the service industry for me) are now being shipped to other countries where they can get cheaper labor. Someone told me it's good for the manufactures because they make more money and the people in India, etc, will start buying the products... uh huh... good for the manufactures, but what about America and Americans who can't afford to buy the products because they don't have jobs, so our unemployment rate and people on welfare go up... we need to give the tax breaks to the companies who stay in America not the ones who leave America.

(2) civil liberties...we're losing to many of our freedoms guaranteed by the constitution. Agree or disagree this is America and we are supposed to have freedom of speech, but the current Resident has put a stop to that by punishing anyone who disagrees with his unreasonable irrational policies.

(3) Child care... we need to help single mothers more and not expect them to work 2 or 3 minimum wage jobs just to support their families. we need to give subidies to businesses for onsite childcare.

3. Do you plan to vote "for" someone or "against" someone?

That's a sad question and an even sadder answer. I plan to vote against Bush. I don't see Kerry as a strong leader and I wish I did, but from what I have seen he doesn't have the leadership qualities of Bill Clinton and we need someone like Clinton to get America strong again.

4. What bothers you most about this presidential election?

That people are falling for the Bush rhetoric and are allowing themselves to be fooled that the real issue is whether Kerry burned his ribbons or his medals, rather than the fact we are in an illegal war and many young American's are dying, that our economy is in the gutter because he is so busy taking care of his big business buddies he has forgotten the rest of American... that John Kerry gets caught up in it himself and we have lost track of the real issues.

5. How much does a candidate's religious affiliation have to do with your decision to vote for him?

None and a lot... none if the candidate is reasonable and rational and doesn't allow his or her religion to color their decisions, since we are a country of many religions.

A lot if the candidate tries to dictate our actions based on their own personal religious views.

6. When do you think the first female president will be elected?

I agree with Victoria on this one... 2012 and it will be Hilary Clinton following John Kerry into the office.

7. Who, among prominent politicians, would you most like to see in the White House?

Bill Clinton... I miss him!!! He had his issues but damn I would rather have a president who got screwed the white house than one who gets in the white house and screws us!

8. Who, among all people, would you like to see in the White House?

Joan Baez...she always had it together politically and I think she would lead the country to peace, prosperity, and she can sing about it during her talks to the nation :-).

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

From this weeks Tuesday Newsday meme:

Tuesday, June 01, 2004
where is the news?
With the holiday just finished, I totally forgot this was Tuesday for a bit! I also didn't watch or listen to news much over the the four days off. And as I was catching up this morning, and wondering at some of the CNN's "top headlines" telling us Julia Roberts is pregnant and that the runner up on The Apprentice show as fired once more from being a judge at the Miss Universe pageant, I started wondering where to find "real news." So my questions this week are:

1. From where do you get your news and why?

I presume you are talking about national news...local news of course is from the local news channel, but for national news and stories of interest...

This may be strange but we listen to talk radio at night and the hosts do a lot of stories from the news. People call in with their views on stories. One in particular is Art Bell Coast to Coast. He also has some weird stuff, but it's interesting to hear different view points.

I watch CNN at times, but feel it is so homongenized I'm not getting the real stories.

2. Do major news services really present just the news, and should they?

In my humble opinion no, they do not present just the news. A lot of what they present is stuff we don't need to know or care about. It's a lot of filler to try to fill our minds with garbage to keep us from remembering there is "real news" happening out there. Also, I feel a lot of what we are fed has been edited to fit a time frame and to keep from being controversial. I don't know if it's the networks idea to do that or if they are censored.

3. Do you consider talk radio, (Air America on the Left, Rush Limbaugh on the right) to be news?

Well, I just stated above we listen to talk radio for at least a different skew on the news. We don't like Rush Limbaugh or Michael Reagan because they and their viewers will not see the forest for the trees. They are partyline folks and if you disagree with something they (Rush or Reagan) will talk over you and even hang up on you and then sneer at you and laugh about what you said without ever having given the caller a chance to really voice their views or defend their views. It's as if they are afraid the "disagreeing" caller is making too much sense and people might start to actually see the truth about the current administration.

So, yes and no. Like we choose newspapers because of their content, tv shows because of their content and viability, we have listened to and chosen Art Bell (and his various hosts) as at least having a more open mind and letting people talk even if they don't agree, so the public gets both sides of the story. Yes, he often does strange stories in the last hour about aliens and such (by the way he was co-author or the book that was just made into a hit movie...The Day After Tomorrow or something like that), but he also does political shows and those are the ones I listen to because he does present both sides intelligently, logically, and he doesn't have to whine and cut people off like Reagan and Limbaugh.

Sunday, May 30, 2004

United we stand agains the war in Iraq!

Blogger Vigil Against the War

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

I think I got them all, but the states in red are the ones I have visited more than a day or lived in over the years.

create your own personalized map of the USA
or write about it on the open travel guide

You're Egypt!

Curator of ancient mystical secrets, your life on the surface is fairly
typical these days.  Though you are in denial about more things than most people.
 Nevertheless, you're trying to convince people that you're safe despite your more
volatile and unstable times that seem to be behind you.  You like cats a whole lot.
 You'd probably really appreciate The Blue

the Country Quiz at the href="http://bluepyramid.org">Blue Pyramid

Friday, May 21, 2004

Below is a post listing all the taxes we pay. My husband emailed it to me, but we don't know the origination of the list as it had been forwarded several times. My husband also requested I post the latest humiliation I inflicted upon poor Mr. Fuzz.

Mr. Fuzz is our big black male cat who is very attached to me and I mean attached! At times I can't walk because he is so wrapped around my feet. Well, I was cleaning up the living room the other day, and Keith had had a beer the night before. My hands were full and as I picked up the can it turn upside down. There was a little beer left in the bottom and yes, it emptied out onto Mr. Fuzz. Mr. Fuzz headed to Keith (in his office) and when I went in I said Mr. Fuzz wants you to pet him. When he did he noticed he was all wet and smelled like a brewery. I told him what had happened and that was why Mr. Fuzz had changed loyalties for awhile. He was not pleased with me at the moment and went to Keith for some pampering. Fuzzy cats!!!! That will teach him to stick so close to me... nah!!!


Accounts Receivable Tax

Building Permit Tax

Capital Gains Tax

CDL license Tax

Cigarette Tax

Corporate Income Tax

Court Fines - (indirect taxes)

Dog License Tax

Federal Income Tax

Federal Unemployment Tax - (FUTA)

Fishing License Tax

Food License Tax

Fuel permit tax

Gasoline Tax - (42 cents per gallon)

Hunting License Tax

Inheritance Tax Interest expense - (tax on the money)

Inventory tax IRS Interest Charges - (tax on top of tax)

IRS Penalties - (tax on top of tax)

Liquor Tax

Local Income Tax

Luxury Taxes

Marriage License Tax

Medicare Tax

Property Tax

Real Estate Tax

Septic Permit Tax

Service Charge Taxes

Social Security Tax

Road Usage Taxes - (Truckers)

Sales Taxes

Recreational Vehicle Tax

Road Toll Booth Taxes

School Tax

State Income Tax

State Unemployment Tax - (SUTA)

Telephone federal excise tax

Telephone federal universal service fee tax

Telephone federal, state and local surcharge taxes

Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax

Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax

Telephone State and local tax

Telephone usage charge tax

Toll Bridge Taxes

Toll Tunnel Taxes

Traffic Fines - (indirect taxation)

Trailer registration tax

Utility Taxes

Vehicle License Registration Tax

Vehicle Sales Tax

Watercraft registration Tax

Well Permit Tax

Workers Compensation Tax


Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago and our nation was the most prosperous in the world, had absolutely no national debt, and had the largest middle class in the world.

Saturday, May 15, 2004

The Week in Review:

On Tuesday I started teaching tennis to one of my friends here. She was so quick to learn that by the next lesson on thursday I had her serving into the proper court :-).

Wednesday morning, early (4:30) Keith and I left for Columbia so he could have his cataract surgery. We were back home by 12:30.

Thursday morning we went back so the doctor could check the eye and things looked great.

Friday Keith was seeing so well he was reading the scrolls on the bottom of the tv without his glasses!

Thursday my sister Linda left a message on my phone that someone had rammed into my parents car on 8th and peninsula. No one was hurt and thank goodness it was a hot day and the window was down. The woman hit them on the drivers side and smashed the drivers door and of course the window. Someone had signaled her to go, she did, without looking and bam!

Saturday I talked with my sister Linda who had been having headaches and had a small seizure awhile back and they had found a small cyst on her brain. I did some internet research and told her they usually dissolve themselves, so the surgery the doctors were talking about was probably a moot point. Today, she confirmed, that the last MRI showed the cyst had dissolved itself.

And that winds up my week :-).

Monday, May 10, 2004

Stole this from my sister's blog.

1: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4. Write down what it says:
SMARTWEED – To find money, one should make up a conjure bag containing a….. (The modern herbal spellbook – the magical uses of herbs by Anna Riva)

2: Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you touch first?:
The telephone

3: What is the last thing you watched on TV?:
CNN news this morning

4. WITHOUT LOOKING, guess what the time is:
12:35 P.M.

5: Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?:
12:44 PM

6: With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?:
The tv in the living room where my husband is watching a movie.

7: When did you last step outside? what were you doing?:
this morning – errands – the college, the post office, Lincare, Walgreens, Staples

8: Before you came to this website, what did you look at?:
My scrabble games and my ebay site

9: What are you wearing?:
black stretch pants, white socks and a tshirt that reads “I got up early once – didn’t like it – won’t do that again!

10: Did you dream last night?
Yes, but I don't remember what they were about.

11: When did you last laugh?
This morning when my husband was singing one of his nonsense songs about me.

12: What is on the walls of the room you are in?
A clock. We live in an apt. with walls that are not conducive to having things hung on them.

13: Seen anything weird lately?:
One of the scrolls on CNN that said Resident Bush said America owes Rumsfeld a debt of gratitude.

14: What do you think of this quiz?:
It’s cute and fun.

15: What is the last film you saw?:
We watch so many videos I can’t even remember what the last one was… my husband is a collector… oh yes, I remember now… Magic.

16: If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first?:
The Erie Museum and convert it back into a home and then move in.

17: Tell me something about you that I don't know:
When I was 15 I wanted to be a nun, but my mother talked me out of it. Thanks mom!!!!!!! I owe you big on that one.

18: If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?:
I would make it possible for everyone to live their lives freely without censorship and without prejudice.

19: Do you like to dance?
I love to dance!! I even dance in the grocery stores when the music is a good dance tune from the 60’s. Took jazz for three years when I was in my late 20’s and loved it!

20: Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?:
Well, if I had it to do over again I would name her Lila or Deborah… anything except Naomi.

21: Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?:
At 56 I that isn’t even anything I can imagine… but for a boy I like Thomas or James.

22: Would you ever consider living abroad?
No, I would like to visit Ireland one day, but I would not feel at home anywhere else in spite of what is happening politically here.

23: Will you pass on this survey?
Not in an email, but people who read my blog will see it.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Tuesday Newsday Meme:

Does the past matter in this election?
Much has been made of the pasts of both major Presidential Candidates in this election. It's been questioned whether George Bush went AWOL during his National Guard service, and whether he was arrested for illegally using cocaine in 1972. The other side has questioned whether John Kerry's injuries were really worthy of his purple hearts and whether he told people he threw away his medals at a war protest when he actually only threw away ribbons.

The question is, does any of this matter, or is it just a distraction from the real issues of the war, the economy and our status in world politics?
Two days late but haven’t been checking blogs lately. Somehow life is getting in the way of blogging. Does the past matter in this election? Like any other election each side is trying to distract from the real issues and what better way than to attack their patriotism. Especially now with us at war in Iraq and Bush correlating patriotism to agreeing 100% with whatever he says or does regardless of how wrong he is. In the perfect world John Kerry could and would ignore any allegations of his patriotism and not have to counter attack questioning Bush’s own patriotism, and would stick to the issues of importance. Like “IT’S THE ECONOMY STUPID” or is it “It’s the stupid economy?”

But since we are at war and Bush put us there and he questioned President Clinton’s right to be President because he protested the Viet Nam war, and he is questioning John Kerry’s right to be president because he realized how wrong the Viet Nam war was, maybe we should question the right of someone’s right who went AWOL also. He is putting our young people in danger every day and yet when push came to shove he ran. Is this leadership material? Does it matter? Yes, it matters when the pot is calling the kettle black (no pun intended regarding the word pot).
When someone is running for president of our United States every action, every thing they have ever done, thought or said should come under scrutiny. We should know everything we can about the person who will be leading us for at least four years. So, after reading what I wrote I find my thoughts going this way… we are at war, we were put at war by a president who went AWOL and suddenly, yes, of course the military history becomes an issue.

If I had any advice to give during election campaigns it would be to cover an issue and then move on to another. Don’t dwell continuously on one issue because that is the single issue that could hurt your opponent.