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Thursday, August 26, 2004

Another Tuesday Newsday and of course I'm more than a day late and a dollar short!

Two issues have recently been raised in regards to political ads.

First are the 527 Group Ads both sides are using to attack one another.

Should ALL 527 Group ads be condemned or only those with obviously false information?

Should all 527 group ads be made illegal?"

I'm going to answer both of those questions at one. While I would like to say all 527 ads should be made illegal, we have to remember we do have freedom of speech. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and is entitled to voice that opinion...

However! If the statements they are making are false then they are committing a crime and should be prosecuted. They should have to retract the ads, make a public apology ad, pay fines and even serve time. I don't care which side they are accusing they should get the facts straight and only air what is true, not what is heresay or obviously blatant lies.

When a member of the Bush campaign team appears in a 527 group ad, and a major Bush donor finances these same ads with a $100,000 donation can the 527 group still be called independent?

When a member of a campaign team appears in a 527 or a major donor to the campaign finances the ads with any amount of money, then no, they are no longer independent ads and the candidate becomes responsible for the content of the ad and again, if the ads prove to be lies then the candidate himself/herself should be prosecuted and be made to make a public apology, retract the statements, pay fines and even serve time. If an average citizen can be prosecuted for printing lies about another person, why not a politician?

And second, there's the Bush Ad using the Iraqi Olympic Soccer team.
Is Mr. Bush in violation of the IOC regulations which state that
the organization “shall be non-political and may not promote the candidacy of a individual seeking public office."
Was it right to use the images of the Iraqi Soccer team without their approval, or ANYONE's images without their approval? The Iraqi Soccer players were very upset about this ad.

Now that is just disgusting! No, he had no right to use the Iraqi Soccer teams images in his campaign ads without their permission. This is a very delicate time for them and regardless of whether king george thinks he freed the slaves, they may feel differently and might feel it tarnishes their image to be pictured in these ads. It is against the Olympic rules for any athlete to voice any political feelings and for georgie to use them in such a way is just sickening. He should be made to place an ad apologizing for his insensitivity and illegal actions. Hey can we impeach him on this one :-)?

Friday, August 20, 2004

The kittens are gone!! Yep, we found homes for all of them. I put an ad in the paper that started Wednesday morning and by Wednesday afternoon all were adopted. Three went to one family where each child wanted one of their own. I tried to talk them out of it thinking it might be too much for the parents, but they said they had five kittens at one time. So, off they went. Another went to a young woman who wanted one to snuggle and the last went to an elderly woman who had just lost her cat and was so happy to see the ad in the paper. Mosby, the mother cat, took the kittens leaving better than my husband who had empty nest syndrome for the first night. Once he saw how much more relaxed Mosby was sans kittens he came around and agreed it was the best thing. The other cats are getting back to normal not feeling threatened about being replaced by those little buggers. I'm glad they all went to good homes and will not let that little slut out of the house until her "cat"alytic converter has been removed!

Monday, August 16, 2004

Tuesday Newsday time again:

It's time for the Olympics!

1. Have you, are you going to, watch?

I keep meaning to watch, but the way it is set up these past years doesn't make it easy. I mean, I only want to watch a few events, but they intersperse the events so you see part of one, then part of another, then another, then back to your event and sometimes when I see the people on the podium I'm not sure what event just ended!

2. If so, what events will you watch? If not, did you used to and why don't you?

I like diving, swimming, and the real gymnastics...not rhythmic (that's a joke as far as I'm concerned. don't even know if they still consider that an olympic event.)

3. What's your most memorable "Olympic moment" (and no we're NOT talking about your honeymoon.)

My most memorable Olympic moment is when Greg Luganis hit the diving board with his head. I was sure he had killed himself and then later they showed him with the bandage on his head and his teddy bear had one on it's head.

4. Does it bother you when the U.S. loses, or does not get the most medals, or gold medals (FYI, we're in 3rd place for medals, 4th for gold medals as I write this.)

No, it doesn't bother me. I just like to see people do their best and enjoy themselves. Heck! they made it to the olympics! I hate it when I find out someone won by cheating - using drugs or something like that - it takes away from the fun of the games.

5. Have you ever known anyone who was in, or at least tried out for, the Olympics?
Not anyone I know personally ... I don't think Karen Kadavy (an ice skater from Erie Pa) ever tried out... her dad ran the ice skating rink where I skated)... but my neighbors niece is a groomer for the Canadian equestrian team ...does that count?

Monday, Monday! So much to do, so little time!! So I have 6 minutes to post something here today and then I have to conquer the back office! This is the first day of school, so my husbands vacation has ended and mine has begun... just kidding, hon!!! Anyway, I set up the kittens in the playpen, gave them food, water, a clean litter box, toys, and then placed a net over them and thought all was safe and I could clean the kitchen. WRONG!!! First they dumped the water all over the playpen, mixed litter in with it that covered them and the playpen, wanting to get away from the mess a couple climbed the netting on the playpen and managed to climb over the top bar and get caught between the top netting and the playpen. What fun. Okay, they go back to the bathroom, I take down the playpen and take it outside and hose it off. So, for now mommy and kittens are in the front bathroom.

Keith is going to make an announcement during the afternoon meeting and hopefully some of the teachers or staff members will be interested and adopt a couple. I am also going to place an ad in The Item, our local paper, and hope for some responses. I hate the thought of taking them to the SPCA and that will definitely be a last resort.

The storms missed us, as we knew they would, and while the news was showing SC as being windblown and devastated we were sitting outside enjoying the sunny day. It went up the coast and did not affect us. What a mess though in the places they did hit. Of course, I got a lot of ribbing since Bonnie was named after me, or at least those who know me claim. I wonder if they are trying to tell me I'm a lot of air. Hmmmmm....

Well, my time is up...have to post this and then go clean that damn office!!! Kittens are still available and awaiting your loving home!!!!

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Mosby Update: Well, the kittens will be five weeks old tomorrow and all are eating on their own now and spending more and more time away from Mosby. Currently the kittens are in a playpen in the living room and mommy is laying out here by my computer. It is peaceful at least if not a bit overcrowded. We put the kittens in the bathtub at night to keep them out of trouble and put mommy in the bathroom and close the door. This morning when I opened the door all the kittens were out of the tub! Yep, they are getting too big and too frisky! They love their little playpen for now (picked it up at a flea market), but soon they will be able to get out of that too. Mosby is gaining weight and her broken jaw is healing nicely. The vet said to just keep doing whatever it is we're doing.

Also, found a pair of bookends for $3.00 that match one of the nightlights my husband collects so that was a great find and a few other treasures. I will have to go back again.

In the meantime, our friend Cynthia had to go out of town suddenly so I am making trips a few times a day to her house to care for her menangerie. For those who don't remember, she has an adorable little cat named Fang, whom she claims is a great stalker and killer of wildlife. All I've ever seen Fang do is lay on a cushioned stool in front of the back door watching the backyard, crouching terrified on a windowsill outside when she does go out, and rolling around getting scratched and petted before I leave. I have renamed her FangDangle.

It's getting cooler here again and I am hoping to get some tennis in tonight if all goes well.

So, if anyone is ready to come pick up their kittens just post a note here and I'll get them ready. We have four little girls and one boy!
