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Saturday, July 17, 2004
It's Quintuplets! Those who know us already know this story, but for those who pop in to catch up on our latest happenings through this blog probably don't know about the little gray feral cat that had been hanging around here. Well, for the longest time we thought she was a he and named him Mosby. One day Mosby started looking a little round around the belly and soon got bigger and bigger. We fed her regularly and on July 5th she came into the apt and dropped two little babies for us. She then took them back outside and hid them and we didn't see her for a day. Then she came back skinny and sleek again and wanted her meal. On July 12 Keith said he heard kittens crying outside. I said no way and went out to look and sure enough mommy cat was moving her little ones to our place. We have an old couch outside our front window and she moved them all there. Now she is closer to her food source and the babies are safe. When she wants food she sits on top of the couch and looks in the window and one of us will jump up and take her some food. I try to feed her every 3 hours to keep up her strength to nurse all those fat little babies of hers. Anyone want a kitten? or two? or three? Once they come out from under the couch I will try to post some pictures here.
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