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Wednesday, September 15, 2004
If it wasn't for the Tuesday Newsday my blog would not have as many weekly updates. Looks like I missed last weeks, but this weeks has not eluded me.
ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN It is still Monday as I write this. The assault weapons ban ends today. Do you think it should? No, not only should it not end but the word ban should be changed to law. We ban smoking in public places, we ban spitting on sidewalks, but using the word ban when applying it to something like assault weapons seems wrong. Some people have claimed that no law is better than a faulty law. For example, the current law bans AK-47s but gun manufacturers can issue weapons that slightly differ from the AK-47 and suddenly be legal. Does this invalidate the current law, or is having some weapons banned better than having none? As I stated above this should become a law not a ban that can be lifted, like a curfew. Not only should it become a law but it should be made stronger. To say the ban should end because it doesn't cover enough areas is ridiculous. Our govt. should just admit the strong influence of the NRA has on their decision to lift this so-called ban. If the current ban or law isn't strong enough, make it stronger! And finally, if you could write your own weapons ban law, what would you ban? No weapons that can fire more than one bullet per pull of the trigger will be sold to any individual regardless of standing in the community or weapons training. Assault weapons or repeat fire arms are for military use only and are not necessary for hunting or self defense. Therefor there is no reason for an individual to own such a weapon. Concealed weapons should be limited to small arms that are not repeat fire weapons and the person must carry their concealed weapons license and proof of weapons training at all times. If the weapon is used in any case other than self defense the person will lose their license, be subjected to fines and jail regardless of the use of the weapon. Collectors will be limited to weapons that are disabled and no longer usuable as weapons. If a collector has an enabled assault weapon in his or her collection that person must render the weapon disabled and will be subject to fines and or jail time for possession of an illegal weapon.
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