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Wednesday, September 22, 2004
I'm going to combine my We Have Brains response and my Tuesday Newsday response, since both link the same topic.
From We Have Brains: Will women decide this next election? And if so, for whom will they decide? An article on NPR this morning said that Bush is winning the women's vote, in particular in the Bible thumping swing states like Ohio, where they are coming out in droves to vote for Bush because he is against gay marriage. 1. Does this worry you? 2. What, if anything can/should we do about it? 3. If you are planning to vote for a 3rd party candidate, does this information have any impact on you at all? In response to the first question, YES!! Of course, it worries me. Any woman who would vote for someone wants to take away the rights we fought so hard to achieve, simply because they have a problem with same couple marriages is beyond me. Do they forget there was a time WOMEN had no rights and we had to fight for them? Now, women would deny others the same unalienable rights that once were withheld from them based on their sex? What can we do about it? Vote! Make sure your vote counts and find others who have no way to get to the polls and take them with you. I live in the bible belt and believe me I am going to make my vote count! I was not planning on voting for a 3rd party candidate so the information would not affect my vote. I am voting for the candidate I feel will best serve our country, our people, and be more fair and open minded in his judgement. How I wish I were saying in HER judgment. From Tuesday Newsday: 1. Does this information have any impact Does this surprise you? 2. Do you think gay marriage is really the reason, or is something else causing women to lean toward Bush? 3. If you are planning to vote for a 3rd party candidate, on you at all? 1. Does this surprise me? Living in the bible belt I find it disgusting but not surprising. We are constantly having religious issues pushed down our throats even when we think we are in a non-religious place. The self-righteousness of it all is what bothers me, when they preach judge not lest ye be judged yourself and then sit in judgment of everyone who is not exactly like them. 2. I don’t want to believe it is just the gay marriage issue that is moving women towards Bush. He paints himself as the Christian president – he lied, he cheated, he stole the vote, he sent young boys to die in an illegal war – he has committed just about every sin listed and broken every commandment, yet because he SAYS he is a Christian and wants to put this so-called god into everything including war J, he has persuaded the bible belt he is their candidate. They are too easily led by astray and that is sad. 3. Has already been answered above.
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