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Thursday, July 29, 2004
From Tuesday Newsday:
Tuesday, July 27, 2004 convention time There's not much else in the news this week except the Democratic Convention, which I admit I AM watching, although I have my doubts as to the usefulness of conventions these days, and those are my questions...Are you going to watch either/both of the conventions? Are there particular people whose speeches you are looking forward to? And given that we do all know who the candidates are going to be before going into the conventions, and I can't imagine we're going to get any surprises, is all the expense, security, hoopla and press worth it? I mean to watch... I want to watch... I keep forgetting to watch. Over the years the conventions have become boring to me mainly because we now know who the candidate will be long before the convention. It used to be the votes were cast that night and we found out at the end of the convention who the candidate would be. Knowing in advance takes away from the drama. It seems to me we could do this much more efficiently and get more excitement going if we didn't have so many speakers! One night of the old guard and a second night to highlight the new candidates, but four nights is too much. I wanted to watch last night because the two candidates I was really backing were speacking, Dennis Kucinich and Howard Dean, but would you believe I forgot to turn it on! Sigh! Tonight John Kerry will be speaking and I will try to remember to turn it on. I did manage to catch Hilary and Bill Clinton, still a class act and still able to generate a lot of excitement, but wouldn't it have been much more exciting to end the first night with the Clintons and then bring John Kerry and John Edwards on the next night? Just my humble opinion... but then as one of my friends once said to me... Bonnie, when did you ever have a HUMBLE opinion?
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