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Saturday, July 29, 2006

I can't believe I did it! To update - Every Friday Keith and I go to Drew's Blues Cafe and meet up with a friend, Cynthia, to listen to Robert Gibbs play guitar while we play chess and have dinner. Last week Cynthia asked him to play some blues and then decided we should write... no I should write lyrics for a blues song for Drew's Blues and Robert would play a blues riff and she would sing it.

Now, the manager of the cafe has the business in the name of his 6 year old son, who by the way is adorable! Keith and I always sit at the same table and he prides himself on having it ready for us when we get there. Anyway... I decided to have some fun and write the blues song around little Drew.

When I got there I gave a copy to Robert and one to Drew since it was really for him. Well, a bit into the evening Robert asks if I'M ready to sing my song and I said, that wasn't the deal. I wrote it, you play it, and Cynthia sings it. Well, turns out she can't sing without every note written out - so she says if I start her off while he plays she can do it... so I start her off and then drop out - but she says I had to keep singing because she couldn't keep the rhythm... so yes, we both sang while Robert played...thank goodness at least part of it was good because I'm sure our singing left a lot to be desired! But it was fun! No one complained, but I'm sure a few were laughing along with us.

So, at the end Robert asks if I want to close the evening with my song and I declined. Fun is one thing, but torture is definitely another. For anyone wanting to read the lyrics or hey, even sing them yourself...here they are:

Drew’s Blues Blues

It’s hard to run a business when you are only six,
It’s hard to run a business when you are only six,
My parents think that they are the boss, try and tell me what to do.
Sit down and eat, don’t run and scream,
Sit down and eat, don’t run and scream,
I’ll be grown up soon, so they better treat me nice.

Gotta keep an eye on the help, keep them working hard,
Gotta keep an eye on the help, keep them working hard,
I don’t like no slackers, don’t like them being late, no that won’t do.
They think it’s cute I’m only six,
They think it’s cute I’m only six,
I’ll be grown up soon, so they better treat me nice.

I want to run and play around, make noise when I will,
I want to run and play around, make noise when I will,
But my mama tells me to sit down, tells me I must behave,
Dad’s in the kitchen watching me,
Dad’s in the kitchen watching me,
I’ll be grown up soon, so they better treat me nice.

It’s hard to run a business, when you are only six,
It’s hard to run a business, when you are only six,
Well, my mama and daddy are the ones in charge I guess,
I’ll just be a little boy for now,
I’ll just be a little boy for now,
But I’ll be grown up soon, so they better treat me nice.

Monday, July 24, 2006

While cleaning up around my computer area, and sorting through things to toss or keep I found an old- very old poem I had written during Erie, PA's bicentennial or some big doings. Don't remember exactly but I'm pretty sure it was the bicentennial. The mayor had asked people to submit poems about Erie for publication. I submitted this one, tongue in cheek, knowing it would not get published, but hey, someone had to be honest!

Erie, PA – The Mistake on the Lake

There’s glass on the sidewalk,
And rocks on it, too
Bottles and beer cans
Are scattered askew.

News papers float in
The dawns early breeze,
Pollutions so heavy
It makes me sneeze.

You can’t smell the roses,
Through Hammermill’s smoke
The odors in the air
Make everyone choke.

Lake Erie’s polluted,
The experts all say,
The fish are all packing
And moving away.

The folks on eleventh
By dear Keystone Brass
Say that it gives them a pain
In their ….. grass

That won’t grow
Through the foundry’s dust
They say it fair
They say it aint just.

So people of Erie
Mistake on the lake
Please clean up your act
For our city’s sake.

Let’s clean up our sidewalks
While there’s still some to spair
Put fish in the water
And birds in the air.

Let’s wake up each morning,
And take a deep breath,
Without fear that one day,
We’ll all choke to death!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Open mic night continued: I wrote a little about our open mic last night, but have now set up an album with the pictures. Way too many to post on the blog page. I will, of course, post a few here, also.

What was really impressive about last night was the support for the poetry community here in Sumter. Including myself and an impromptu challenge poem we had 17 performers. But the cafe was packed with people who had just come to listen!

Our poets ranged from 14 to 80! We had a very diversified group and even had two male poets who were brave enough to get up and perform. In fact, Larry Stoy, has agreed to be our featured poet next month.

The poetry was wonderful and I wish I could remember enough of each individual persons poetry, but all I can say is it was a fun night. The poems made us laugh, cry, and listen in awe. One particularly funny one was by Collette Jones. I wish I could remember it, but the poem was one she wrote as a challenge and included every candy you find at the check out counter!

I know no one was bored because not one person left early! Even though their meals were finished, drinks were empty, they stayed and listened and applauded each poet. It was an exciting night!

So, here are a few pictures and a link to the photo album of all the poets who performed. Sorry, none of me again.

One of the funniest moments of the night was when Johnny Brunson offered a challenge. Those of you who read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, will understand just how funny this was. He read about the Vogon's and explained the Vogon poetry is the third worst poetry in the universe. He brought a Vogon poem and challenged anyone to come up and try to read it. We had two brave souls who dared. Our featured poet, Martina, and Cynthia Harris who was there only because she drove our 80 year old blind poet, Joyce Williams. What a hoot watching them try to perform it!

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usOf course, our featured poet Martina Borg - Martina is being deployed for the next two months and we will really miss her at open mic!

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usLarry Stoy - Featured poet for August - Larry performed some really fun poems, but I especially liked his one on the three little words that hold a marriage together. Yes, we wll know them don't we... say them with me now... You are right!

And I wanted to feature some of the younger poets who had the courage to stand up, and for some the first time, in public and perform their wonderful poems. They inspired us and awed us with their insights and sensitivity.

Be proud of yourselves!
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usKarleigh Brunson Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Heather Roberts Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usRose Culler

To view the rest of the photos go here!

Open Mic Night: I will do a post tomorrow with pictures, but for tonight I am too tired to edit the pics and set them up. But, I wanted to write about something I posted on the Sumter thoughts group. What amazed me were the young people there tonight. We talk about how the youth of today are so unaware, uncaring, insensitive, only think of themselves - the me generation. But then I meet young poets like the ones who read tonight and I see just the opposite. I see intellect, emotion, caring about the world and others and such sensitivity you know there is hope for the future. As I said on the forum, courage is not being unafraid, but being afraid and doing it anyway. These young people were openly nervous and a bit overwhelmed by the turnout tonight, but they got up there and read their poems even though it took all the courage they had. I am so proud of them!

We had 16 poets, including myself, and I will do a write up with pics tomorrow. The place was packed! Standing room only! And that is not a joke! What a night! For now I am tired and am off to bed!!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Since tomorrow marks the 33rd anniversary of the death of one of the greatest martial artists, if not THE greatest, in the world I am posting my tribute to him.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usLittle Dragon

Born in the year of the dragon,
At the hour of the dragon
His birth name translates
To Little Dragon.

Bruce Lee entered this world
With his destiny at hand,
Enter the Dragon – he would
Live and die The Way of the Dragon.

He used Fists of Fury to develop
His own style of Martial Arts
Jeet Kun Do – way of the
Intercepting fists.

Yes, he was the Big Boss,
Training other movie greats
Chuck Norris and Steve McQueen
Among his top students.Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

But he played The Game of Death,
And at age 33 the Tower of Death
Took him in a way that remains
Mysterious even today.

Was it a brain edema?
Or the work of 'Oni'
(Japanese Demons or evil spirits),
The curse of Bruce Lee.

The Little Dragon became an
Icon in the world of martial art movies
And would become bigger and greater
Than he could have imagined.

A man of serenity, poise,
Charisma and intellect
Even while literally kicking ass,
There was a calmness that surrounded him.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usStill much in the minds of
Martial artists today,
Who revere him and honor him
And still miss this whimsical spirit.
(Rest in Peace Little Dragon)

Friday, July 14, 2006

History repeats itself: When my older sister, Linda, and I were young girls growing up on 11th street in Erie, PA one of our friends and neighbors was a young boy named Lou Bizzarro.

Yesterday she was over at her oldest daughters home, and there was a young man there, Mike, who looked very familiar. When he spoke his voice was familiar. After they talked awhile the subject of Italian families came up - he said he was Italian, and she mentioned us having grown up with an Italian family, the Bizzarro's and us having been friends with Lou. Well! It turns out Lou is his uncle! I asked about the older brother Johnny and she said Mike told her he had died two years ago.

What an amazing co-incidence that our worlds and lives should repeat like this. From she and I and Louis in Erie, PA being friends, to her nieces and his nephew, in Waterford, PA being friends.

I guess it is a small world after all!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

This Should Explain It All...

A lot of folks can't understand how we came to have
an oil shortage here in our country.
Well, there's a very simple answer.
Nobody bothered to check the oil.
We just didn't know we were getting low.
The reason for that is purely geographical.
Our OIL is located in
Coastal Florida
Coastal Louisiana

Our DIPSTICKS are located in

Washington DC

Any Questions?

Sunday, July 09, 2006

The Last Five Books I’ve read: My husband accuses me of reading nothing but mindless murder mysteries. Okay, I am guilty! I do read them. Sometimes we all need and escape from reality and mine is either watching old Murder, She Wrote shows or Diagnosis Murder… or reading mindless murder mysteries…. But that is not all I read. So below is a list of the last five books I’ve read, including the one I am currently reading.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usThe Optimists Daughter by Eudora Welty – This is a quirky little book about Laurel. She is a widow who returns to Mississippi when her father becomes ill. She is a witness to his death after he becomes ill from a botched eye surgery. Her father, once the eternal optimist has lost his will to fight and his second spoiled and selfish wife cares for no one or anything but her own creature comforts. After his death Laurel seeks the answers to her past to help her make sense of her present and her future.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usIn the breeze of passing things – by Nicole Louise Reid – This is a wonderful book of a ten year old girl dealing with two very dysfunctional parents. A father who suffers from depression, but refuses to take medication that will help him. I won’t give away the reason for his depression or his wanderings to water where he once almost kills his entire family. Her mother is one of those women who should never have had children. She often forgets she does have them and is jealous of her ten year old daughter who is the only one the father really loves. The journey she takes us on is a page turner right to the final line. I won’t give away the ending, but advise readers to take the journey and allow the end to surprise them rather than read the ending first.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usOnion John – by Joseph Krumgold - This is a great story of a young boy, Andy Rusch, and his relationship between his father and the town’s eccentric immigrant Onion John. The townspeople try to help Onion John by trying to make him more like them and get him to give up his superstitions and old wives tales. Andy likes Onion John just the way he is and Onion John, although they try, cannot become what the townspeople would find acceptable.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usDelta Wedding by Eudora Welty – Delta Wedding is centered around Laura McRaven, who after her mother dies is sent to live with her relatives in Mississippi. She arrives while the family is preparing for the wedding of Dabney Fairchild, the oldest daughter. This book takes you into the deep old south. It’s a wonderful story of family life and all the joys, frustrations, and secrets that come with any family. The story of “The Yellow Dog” the train that runs through the town becomes a family tradition in telling – who will tell it and who will embellish. This is well worth reading.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usCuba Libre – by Elmore Leonard - this is the one I am currently reading. A friend gave it to me Friday and I started it this weekend. So far, it’s pretty good. The story is of Ben Tyler, who was in prison for robbing banks. But, he only robbed banks of people who owed him money and refused to pay and only took the money from their account. He and Charlie Burke team up to sell horses in Cuba while secretly selling guns. At this point they are in Cuba, the “horse trading” is a little more complicated than it should be, Ben has been challenged to a duel by an uppity officer who feels he was insulted and in the end Ben kills him in a shoot out….of course now Ben is being arrested for murdering the Cuban officer… in the meantime of course there is a beautiful young woman who is the mistress of a Cuban kingpin who has taken an “interest” in Ben. I will let you know more about this one when I finish it.

So there, my love, I do read books other than ‘mindless murder mysteries.’

Saturday, July 08, 2006

In the MEME time... I haven't done a meme in a long time so figured I was due. This one looked interesting so here goes...

Q1 - Holiday: If you could celebrate any holiday twice in one year, which one would it be, and what time of the year would you celebrate it for a second time?

Does my birthday count as a holiday? Not that I want to get older but hey, it's the one day of the year that is just mine...and everyone else born on Feb. 5, but you know what I mean...

Q2 - Constitution : In your opinion, which of the following issues most needs to be addressed by a Constitutional Amendment: Balanced Budget, Flag Burning, Gay Marriage, Privacy Rights, Something Else, or the Constitution is Fine As Is and Does Not Need Any Further Amendments Right Now?

Picking one from the list I am torn between Privacy Rights and Gay Marriage. I think the two should be linked because it isn't anyone business what someones sexual choices are...but I do feel we are accepting too much in the way of having our privacy invaded under the guise of protecting us from "terrorists". In my opinion Mr. Bush has overstepped his rights as a president by invading ours. I think he's just nosy!

Q3 - Computer Applications: Last week, Google announced that it would soon launch Google Spreadsheet, a web-based application that someday may compete with Microsoft Excel. How do you feel about web-based applications and programs verses having applications like Microsoft Office (which include Word and Excel) loaded directly onto your computer's hard drive? In other words, all things being equal, do you think you'd ever switch from Microsoft Excel (or Word) to a program like Google Spreadsheet, or do you like the control and comfort associated with having your computer programs and applications right on your own hard drive?

wow! this is tough. I don't like that microsoft has the market on everything on our computer, but I am also very wary of putting things out on the internet. i don't even do my banking online because i am afraid of how easy it is for people to access information. so no, i wouldn't go to an online spreadsheet program.

Q4 - Trash: What was the last thing you threw into a trashcan?

do you really want to know? okay, you asked for it... a big bag of cat (ahem) things from the litter box.

Friday nights in Sumter! If you enjoy guitar music, like a nice quiet atmosphere, wrap sandwiches, cheesecake and a fun time you might want to check out Drew's Blues Cafe on Friday nights! Between 7 PM and 9 PM Robert Gibbs entertains us with his singing guitar. We have been twice and believe me it takes a lot to get my husband out of the house! And it takes something really good for him to miss jeopardy (which comes on at 7:30) so you know if he went twice and is looking forward to next Friday this is something really super! He plays dinner music to start - calls it Drew's Blues "Wrap" music... he's funny guy as well as a great guitar player. Later on he gets a little more funky. Last night we were treated to hearing Robert and Marcus (Mr. Drew's Blues) jam! Wow!! That about sums it up!

I wrote a little poem about his playing which I will post here to give you an idea of what you will find. Hope to see some of my Sumter friends there next Friday.

He Made That Guitar Sing
By Bonnie Johnson (Rivas)

I went to listen to his music,
Someone told me he was good,
Said he could really make,
A guitar take off and sing.

Looking like a young Chris Christopherson,
He brought those strings to life,
And made that guitar laugh and cry,
And yes, he made it sing.

As the sun set on pale pink skies,
He transported us in time,
To smoky rooms and champagne bubbles,
His riffs did dance and sing,

Right through your soul,
To tapping feet and hands,
Sitting still was not an option,
When he made that guitar sing.

When he put his guitar down,
You knew you hadn’t had enough,
He left you wanting just,
Once more to hear that guitar sing.

Walking out into the night,
The crescent moon above,
His music echoed in the air,
Yes, he made that guitar sing.

So come on out and here Robert Gibbs and his singing guitar!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

For most of you who have been following my blog, you will remember the blogs I posted the end of March and into April, after my best friend of 43 years died on March 28th. To recap Rick and I became involved when he was 14 and I was 15. We were each others first love and as they say, you never forget your first love. Over the years we each married other people (a few times - 3 for me and 4 for him) but we always returned to each other. When he became ill he wanted to leave his fourth wife and for me to leave my current one, so we could have one last adventure and travel together. I couldn't do it. I loved Rick, but I love my husband and it's another strange and wonderful story of how we reunited...but this is about what happened today....

If you remember Rick told me after he died he would come back and take me with him, since I wouldn't go with him for the one final adventure. Well, he tried. He came back and tried three times in one night to entice me to follow him across. A few nights later I called his last wife and told her if she saw him to tell him I can't go. While we were talking the radio came on. She said, Bonnie, I didn't touch the radio but it just came on by itself and the song that was playing was...

Oh, oh my love
Oh my darling
I've hungered for your touch
A long and lonely time

And time goes by
So slowly
And time can do so much
Are you still mine?
Oh, ho

I need your love
I need your love
I need your love
Godspeed your love to me

Which brings us to today. I was at the laundramat and listening to an oldies station that had call-ins for requests. I was thinking, I should call in and request Meatloaf's Lost Boys and Golden Girls in Rick's memory when the DJ said they were playing a special request and this song came on...

My love,
Theres only you in my life
The only thing thats bright

My first love,
Youre every breath that I take
Youre every step I make

Music and songs were a big part of our relationship and we often communicated with songs and wrote songs for each other. So, I don't find it strange that these songs keep us connected. But it does get freaky at times.

To read the post about the night he tried to take me with him go to the archives for April 23 - 29.

Anyway...just thought I'd share it with my fellow bloggers. Happy blogging.
