What ZephyrBird thinks
Life According to Zephyr


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Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Holding grudges: Someone I know told me this story about something that happened over 30 years ago, and she has never forgiven her husband for his actions. They had just had a new baby and while the baby was lying in her crib, their siamese cat jumped up and scratched the little girl across her face. The husband immdediately grabbed the cat, took it to the SPCA and left it there. She tells me this is unforgivable as she loved that cat and he should never have done that. My feelings are she should have loved her daughter more than the cat and I would have done exactly what the husband did, but she cannot and will not see it that way. So, I am wondering how many others hold grudges for that long and what makes them so angry they can't let go of it, so I am going to post a mini meme here and hope I get some answers. I guess I find it difficult to understand, because while I do get angry at people, I get over it and move on.

1. Do you hold grudges? and if so are you holding one now?

2. If you answered yes to the above question what is the situation that caused you to be so angry you cannot let go of it?

Thanks for playing. This is something I have been mulling over for awhile and since I couldn't sleep decided to blog about it.

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