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Monday, August 16, 2004
Tuesday Newsday time again:
It's time for the Olympics! 1. Have you, are you going to, watch? I keep meaning to watch, but the way it is set up these past years doesn't make it easy. I mean, I only want to watch a few events, but they intersperse the events so you see part of one, then part of another, then another, then back to your event and sometimes when I see the people on the podium I'm not sure what event just ended! 2. If so, what events will you watch? If not, did you used to and why don't you? I like diving, swimming, and the real gymnastics...not rhythmic (that's a joke as far as I'm concerned. don't even know if they still consider that an olympic event.) 3. What's your most memorable "Olympic moment" (and no we're NOT talking about your honeymoon.) My most memorable Olympic moment is when Greg Luganis hit the diving board with his head. I was sure he had killed himself and then later they showed him with the bandage on his head and his teddy bear had one on it's head. 4. Does it bother you when the U.S. loses, or does not get the most medals, or gold medals (FYI, we're in 3rd place for medals, 4th for gold medals as I write this.) No, it doesn't bother me. I just like to see people do their best and enjoy themselves. Heck! they made it to the olympics! I hate it when I find out someone won by cheating - using drugs or something like that - it takes away from the fun of the games. 5. Have you ever known anyone who was in, or at least tried out for, the Olympics? Not anyone I know personally ... I don't think Karen Kadavy (an ice skater from Erie Pa) ever tried out... her dad ran the ice skating rink where I skated)... but my neighbors niece is a groomer for the Canadian equestrian team ...does that count?
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