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Life According to Zephyr
Cost of the War in Iraq
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Friday, September 10, 2004
Hurricanes and Florida: This is just my humble opinion on why so many hurricanes have been hitting and destroying Florida these past weeks. Remember the last election when Al Gore won Florida, then suddenly he didn't and then thousands of the votes for Gore were lost and the others couldn't be counted for various reasons and lo and behold because of all this chicanery we now have The Shrub in office. Now, Shrub and family claim to be good christian god fearing folk. Hmmmm.... let's see, they lied, they cheated, they stole the election. In office he lied, he cheated, stole from the poor and gave to rich, stole a lot of our freedoms while we were sleeping, started an illegal war and justified killing thousands of innocent people... and now, here we are coming up on another election and he's out their toting his stuff again and I think this god of theirs is totally pissed off at him and his family and has decided this. Since it was the fault of Florida and Mr. Jeb that the Shrub is in office now, well, why not just wipe Florida off the map and then we won't have that problem come this election. Make sense?
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