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Friday, June 11, 2004
This is a meme from my sister's stepdaughter's site. Sarah is 12 years old and I thought this was rather a fun meme, so thought I would post it.
From Theater Thursday 1) Which magical power would you like to have (in order to further the cause of good for mankind, of course)? Which magical power would you like to have that you would keep hidden, guiltily, cackling about it under your sheets at night? The ability to know what other people are thinking, so I would know if they were telling me the truth or lying. 2) If you had a flying broomstick, would you use it? Where would you go? I do have one!! just kidding, although some people accuse me of owning one... are they calling me a witch? But if I did have one, oh yes, I would definitely use it and my first trip would be back to Erie, PA to visit family and then I would hope it was powerful enough to travel the world. 3) If you could briefly turn yourself into an animal, what would it be? A cat. They are magical by nature. Bonus) Do you believe in magic? I don't believe in magic because to me that implies magic tricks, but I do believe in the magical world where things can happen we don't understand.
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