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Sunday, August 08, 2004

Mosby Update: Well, the kittens will be five weeks old tomorrow and all are eating on their own now and spending more and more time away from Mosby. Currently the kittens are in a playpen in the living room and mommy is laying out here by my computer. It is peaceful at least if not a bit overcrowded. We put the kittens in the bathtub at night to keep them out of trouble and put mommy in the bathroom and close the door. This morning when I opened the door all the kittens were out of the tub! Yep, they are getting too big and too frisky! They love their little playpen for now (picked it up at a flea market), but soon they will be able to get out of that too. Mosby is gaining weight and her broken jaw is healing nicely. The vet said to just keep doing whatever it is we're doing.

Also, found a pair of bookends for $3.00 that match one of the nightlights my husband collects so that was a great find and a few other treasures. I will have to go back again.

In the meantime, our friend Cynthia had to go out of town suddenly so I am making trips a few times a day to her house to care for her menangerie. For those who don't remember, she has an adorable little cat named Fang, whom she claims is a great stalker and killer of wildlife. All I've ever seen Fang do is lay on a cushioned stool in front of the back door watching the backyard, crouching terrified on a windowsill outside when she does go out, and rolling around getting scratched and petted before I leave. I have renamed her FangDangle.

It's getting cooler here again and I am hoping to get some tennis in tonight if all goes well.

So, if anyone is ready to come pick up their kittens just post a note here and I'll get them ready. We have four little girls and one boy!

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