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Saturday, April 29, 2006
Osama bin Bug and his concubine Delia Ophelia - When Delia came to us she was a six week old kitten, and bug took her under his wing... I mean paw. He nursed her when she cried, he cuddled her and they slept together. Yes, he nursed her, you read that right. When she isn't flying around the house playing tag with Marma(duke)alade, she's snuggled up with Bug. I thought this picture had to be taken and shared.
Bug and Delia Friday, April 28, 2006
Apr 27, 2006
Top 5 On Friday - Week 69 Hmmm week 69....this could be kinky! But let's have fun with the usual theme, shall we? Top 5 songs that "answer" the musical question: Where do we go from here? 1. Kansas City - Goin' to Kansas City, Kansas City here I come Goin' to Kansas City, Kansas City here I come They got some crazy lil' women there, And I'm gonna get me one. 2. Strawberry Fields - Let me take you down, 'cause I'm going to Strawberry Fields Nothing is real, and nothing to get hung about Strawberry Fields forever 3. Up, Up, and Away - Would you like to ride in my beautiful balloon Would you like to ride in my beautiful balloon We could float among the stars together, you and I For we can fly we can fly Up, up and away My beautiful, my beautiful balloon 4. Back in the USSR - I'm back in the USSR You don't know how lucky you are, boy Back in the USSR, yeah 5. Going Crazy - Im going crazy crazy crazy Jus thinking about u lately Im going crazy crazy crazy Jus thinking about u baby Im going crazy crazy crazy crazy
Where's the big one? A couple days ago I let the granddaugher of my neighbor come and visit the kittens. On the way in to the room they passed all our cats and she was in awe (the four year old girl) of Percival, our Persian. When I asked her which kitten she wanted she said, "I want the BIG one!"
Today, her brothers were there and wanted to see the babies, but all Savannah wanted to know was...where's the big one? It's funny because I thought she would think the kittens were cute, but nope..they were just annoying... This is the one she would like to take - Monday, April 24, 2006
Freaking me out!!! I will start by saying I don't believe in god or the devil or heaven or hell. I do however believe in a spirit world. If you find that contradictory then you do, but I don't. All this to explain what has been happening.
As you know, from previous posts, a life long friend and lover died on March 28th. During the past year he would tell me when he died he would come back to haunt me. He would tell me he loved me. He kept trying to get me to leave my husband and go back with him and he would leave his wife. I would tell him no and laugh it off. A few nights ago, in my sleep, he came to me and took me back to the night he died, but he showed me his wife removing the oxygen tubes and suffocating him. I told him he was playing an evil game and I didn't believe him and that ended that. For the time being.... Last night he showed up again with a vengenance and tried three times to take me with him. First he had me on a bike careening down a mountain and a semi was bearing down on me. Rick was in the background watching, but I managed to jump off the bike and get out of the way before the truck hit the bike.... In the next scene I was on a hill with a bunch of people, protesting or something, and there was Rick and he told me there were explosives and I would die in the explosion... I ran!!! As fast as I could and ended up in a building. But there were windows and I knew I had to get away from the glass, but there he was again telling me the only way to escape the explosion was to follow him and jump out the window. He went and I looked down and it was 30 floors to the ground and I told him NO, I would die if I jumped and I turned and walked away. I woke up soaked in sweat!! So, tonight I called his wife and told her about it and asked her to tell him to stop. I don't mind him visiting, but this has got to stop. While were talking the radio came on and she said, Bonnie, I don't know what happened but I didn't touch the radio and it came on. She said maybe he wants us to hear this song... what was playing? A song called Unchained Melody.... so as I was asking her to tell him to stop trying to take me with him - he was sending this message... Oh, my love, my darling, I've hungered for your touch a long, lonely time, Time goes by so slowly and time can do so much. Are you still mine? I need your love, I need your love, God speed your love to me. Lonely rivers flow to the sea, to the sea To the open arms of the sea Lonely rivers sigh, "Wait for me, wait for me" "I'll be coming home, wait for me!" Are you still mine? I need your love, I need your love, God speed your love to me Anyway...it freaked us both out and I told her to turn it off and once again asked her to make it clear to him I wasn't going with him. I still have things to do and Keith needs me here. Whatever you believe I can only say this was too real and not just a dream. And the radio thing was just too freaky. At first we couldn't understand why he would try to make me think his wife had done that, but then realized he was a great manipulator and would lie to get people to do what he wanted. So, again, whatever you believe and whether you believe this or not, is okay. For me it is too real. Hopefully, now that his wife knows what he is doing he will stop. Oh, and she asked me what he looked like and I told her in the first part he had long hair, but when he went out the window he had short hair, which I found odd. She said, no, it wasn't because he had had his hair cut short the day before he died. Addendum: (this question posted by Keith)It does seem contradictory to me as well. How can a spirit world exist if everything else is just the product of the natural evolution of material objects? Zephyr please explain your theology/philosophy/ belief system in detail I am sure there are many that will be waiting with baited breath. First, Priscilla did not say my feelings or belief was contradictory but that the events themselves were strange...but I thought I would answer your question here to clarify, or try to clarify what I believe about life and death. I believe there is a transition period between the time the physical body dies and the actual being leaves the plane of the living. I believe once final death does occur, which can differ for different people depending on how hard they fight to remain among the living, then there is nothing more. But, I have had experiences with spirits at various times in my life as has my mother, my sister Linda, a few others I know. I am not asking others to believe this or to change their beliefs, or to even accept it because I don't always believe in or accept others beliefs. I do believe in their right to believe what they will. I don't question friends who believe in god, or gods and goddesses, or whatever else is out there. I don't ask anyone who doesn't believe in spirits or just doesn't want to believe in them to join me. But, I do believe the physical body is only a vessel for the actual being and it is that being that fights the final death once it's vessel can no longer support it. Someday I will do a longer blog on this subject, for that's it in a nutshell for now.
I promised pictures of the kittens as they got older. They are three weeks old today and I discovered that it's not easy taking pictures of 3 week old kittens! I will have to get my husband to help for better ones but here they are for your oohs and aaahs!
The only female! Little boy but looks just like mommy Little girl (as above) and her look alike brother Bug swears this is not his son! He says he was neutered and he's sticking to that story!
Monday Music Mambo - Week 96
Hi mamboers! I'm back with another Monday Music Mambo for your enjoyment. I'm writing this on Sunday, and it's my birthday today! So I thought I'd make the Mambo birthday related today. Your assignment is to: Find a musician who was born on your birthday (or on the day before or after your birthday, if you don't like the people born on your day) and give me a list of three or four songs by that artist. You can do this for as many musicians as you want. My birthday is February 5 - Born on that date was Cory Wells of Three Dog Night 1. Celebrate (seems appropriate for a birthday answer) 2. Joy to the World, To all the boys and girls, Joy to the fishes in the deep blue see, Joy to you and me. 3. Pieces of April 4. Never Been To Spain Sunday, April 23, 2006
My gas tank has doubled in size!! I know this seems impossible, but I have proof! When I put gas in this week it cost more than twice as much, to fill the tank, as when I first bought the car. The only explanation I can think of is the gas tank has somehow doubled in size. I mean, the oil companies wouldn't be gouging us at the pump that much!!! Would they???
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Yes, another meme! I know some people hate memes and think they should be banned from the internet, but hey, if they don't like them they don't have to do them. Freedom of choice applies even to memes, folks. For me sometimes they get my creative juices flowing, because just doing the meme makes my brain have to kick into gear...like the last question on this one.
Wednesday Mind Hump Hi humpers! Ready for another mind hump? This week's theme is Cow Chip Day. I don't like that one, so I'll choose something else. I'm getting a brand new digital camera for my birthday this weekend, so today's theme will be photography! 1. Are you the photographer in the family, or is it someone else? I am. I don't take as many pictures now as I once did, because over the years through various mishaps most of the pictures I took have been lost. My ex-husband guilted my niece out of almost all the photo albums I had left in her care when he and I split becuase he convinced her they ALL belonged to him including the one full of pictures I took of my trip to Germany visiting my sister Victoria. That's the one I'm most upset about. I was in Florida at the time and apparently he got her email and started emailing her and she felt sorry for him and sent him the albums and most of the video tapes I had done. No one told me until I returned home some years later and wanted to reclaim the albums. 2. What kind of camera do you have? Digital or film? Digital...it's upstairs so I can't check the model, but it's an older one with one feature I really love. The photos go onto a floppy disk so there's no downloading a program and I can take the picks and look at them on any computer!! It's so cool! 3. Are you photogenic? Or do you run whenever someone breaks out the camera? I used to be more photogenic, but the older I get the less photogenic I've become, but I am not camera shy. If someone wants a picture of me it's because they like me, love me, adore me or whatever and want something to remember me and who am I to let my ego stand in the way of memories. Not everyone of us is a model, but I know too many moments are lost because someone was too selfish to let their picture be taken because they didn't look perfect at that moment. 4. If you could take a moment in your life, the best one you've ever had, and photograph it so that you could remember it forever, which moment would it be? This one was hard as I have had many special moments that I will always treasure, but the more I thought about it the more I realized it was the time ALL THREE of the Rivas sisters - me, Vic, and Linda - were all in Texas together and were able to spend time as adult sisters who could enjoy each other. So that would be my one moment in time that I would like to recapture. I know Vic took some pics of us sitting on her porch and we were all sitting exactly the same! Maybe if she reads this she'll find the pics and post them on her blog. The rules are, there are no rules!!! All you need to do is copy and paste the above questions into your blog and add your responses. After you've finished, return here and leave us a comment so we'll know you've humped. Be sure your hump is linked back to http://bdinsanity.blogdrive.com so others can hump too. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers. If one of the questions doesn't inspire you then simply "pass" it. Just use your imagination! Monday, April 17, 2006
Monday Music Mambo - Week 95
Greetings, mamboers! Another Monday is upon us, so it's time for another Mambo! This week's theme is Nosy Neighbor Day. I'm giving you a chance to choose your musical neighbors! But they must fit some rules. This is a rather strange one, but then I'm also rather strange so thought I'd give it a try. The person/band living to the left of you must have had a number one hit (any chart) In honor of my 40th HS reunion coming up this summer I found the song that was number one in June 1966 - the year I graduated from Strong Vincent High School in Erie PA and that song was...... drum roll..... Paint It Black by The Rolling Stones The band living to the right of you must have had a lead singer change sometime in their career Big Brother and The Holding Company - original lead singer was Peter Albin. Later, of course, Janis Joplin a long time friend of Chet Helms, who formed the group, became the lead singer. The person/band living across from you must be a female or have at least one female member in the group LOL! I could use BBATHC for the last two also, but I won't cheat so here goes... Heart - Anne Wilson The person living above you must be dead. This one is kind of spooky... that would mean I would have a dead body in my attic! Harry Chapin was one of the most tragic deaths, so he has made a spot here. I just have to figure out how to get the body out of my attic now. The rules are, there are no rules!!! All you need to do is copy and paste the above questions into your blog and add your responses. After you've finished, return here and leave us a comment so we'll know you've Mamboed. Be sure your Mambo is linked back to http://bdinsanity.blogdrive.com so others can dance too. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers. If one of the questions doesn't inspire you then simply "pass" it. Just use your imagination and dance like crazy! Sunday, April 16, 2006
What kind of ROSE are you? Your Results: Red. LOVE.
What kind of ROSE are you? *PICS* Red LOVE. Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook! Am I totally insane? Remember I mentioned Little Friend and that she was pregnant, then she had her babies a couple weeks ago but had them hidden? Remember I was saying I would love to see the babies? Well, once again it's a case of be careful what you ask for you just might get it. Yesterday, when I went out to feed her - yes, she continued to come for meals - she walked in and had one of her babies with her. She parked herself and the baby on the floor and looked at me like she was saying...well? how about a little help here. I saw she had come from the bushes, in front of our house, where she would stay BEFORE the babies so went and checked and sure enough there were three more waiting there! I brought them around and gave them to her and now they are all moved back into the room where she stayed while recovering from her leg abcess. They all lay in the cage and she eats while they nurse and all seem very content to be there. We already have homes for two of the kittens and the mommy, but of course, have to wait until the babies are old enough. Another four to five weeks. They are all very small!!! Haven't been able to check to see which are boys and which are girls yet, but I will let you know and get individual pics when they are a bit bigger. Friday, April 14, 2006
Well, my sister, Victoria got me back! I got her hooked on Flip Words, so she got me hooked on Text Twist. Below is my highscore so far....
My High-Score: 37910 You get six letters and a set time to make as many words as you can from the letters. The catch is, to move to the next round, you must make the word that uses all six letters! Try it....if you dare!! UPDATE: My new high score! My High-Score: 52100 UPDATE: April 17, 2003 My High-Score: 62600 Note to self: when you hit 100,000 or higher it's time to quit playing this stupid addicting game! UPDATE: April 18, 2006 - time to quit! I said when I hit 100,000 or higher it would be time to quit playing and today I did it! My High-Score: 105160 That's it! No more playing! whew!!! Thursday, April 13, 2006
Wednesday, April 12
Wednesday Mind Hump Hi everyone! Another hump day is upon us. Today is Big Wind Day, so grab a coat and play along. 1. "And the answer, my friends, is blowin' in the wind. The answer is blowin' in the wind." So says Bob Dylan. What IS the answer? I was going to make some smart remark like the answer is the garbage company must be on strike again, then decided my smart ass self should take a break and get serious here for a minute... So the answer is... that our government blew it and is passing wind instead of taking care of us and our country. it's time the winds of change blew good again and we ousted the current group and put in people who really care about us, our country, our freedoms and not just about themselves and their ultra-rich friends. 2. Ever seen/been near a tornado? Was it cool or scary? Both? Get out of it ok? The answer is yes! And yes it was both cool and scary. When working in Florida for Verizon mobile we closed down a couple times due to tornado warnings and always they passed without even coming near us. So, when we had yet another one, the powers that be decided to remain open and of course this time it passed right behind us! It was a powerful deafening roar and we lost all power. Thank goodness the building was mostly brick and heavy construction and suffered little damage. No one was hurt, but a lot of the computers were burned out in the power surge when ALL power was knocked out. The funny part is the next day customers were calling to complain their cell phones hadn't worked after the tornado hit. I asked if their landlines were working and they said no and they still weren't. I tried to explain that the same storm that took out the landline power also took down cell phone towers but they yelled and screamed and swore at me and called every dirty name in the book because the cell phone was supposed to be able to call 911 even when they didn't have service. Okay...let me explain this here to anyone who might be agreeing with those idiots. Yes, even if you don't pay your bill! and lose service due to non payment, you can still dial out to 911 if needed....BUT!! if there is a storm and ALL power is out including downed cell towers...think about it! if your telephone pole is down for your landline can you us it? NO!!! The same theory applies to the cell phone. 3. Pick a random country. If there's a message you could whisper in the wind to someone in that country, what would you say? My favorite country has always been Lichtenstein and what I would whisper is size really doesn't matter. You may be small but you are a country with a big heart. 4. What's your favorite thing and least favorite thing about wind? I don't think I have a least favorite thing about the wind. I love a good wind storm and if rain is involved it's all the more exciting. I'm one of those weirdos who enjoys inclement weather and finds it thrilling more than an inconvenience. Ok, that's enough. There are only so many questions one can ask about wind without getting vulgar. I'll see you all on Monday with a new Mambo! The rules are, there are no rules!!! All you need to do is copy and paste the above questions into your blog and add your responses. After you've finished, return here and leave us a comment so we'll know you've humped. Be sure your hump is linked back to http://bdinsanity.blogdrive.com so others can hump too. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers. If one of the questions doesn't inspire you then simply "pass" it. Just use your imagination! If you don't have a blog or you're an exhibitionist *woo hoo* feel free to hump right here in our comments section. There's absolutely no pressure ... although it's called the Wednesday Mind Hump you can hump on any day. Until next time, this is your music-loving mememeister wishing you a happy hump day! Monday, April 10, 2006
Monday Music Mambo
Greetings, everyone! Have a good weekend? I sure hope so. Today is Prevent Cruelty To Animals day, so to honor our furry friends and be nice to them, this is what we're going to do: List songs or artists that have animals in the title or are about animals. Cats, dogs, snakes, etc. Of course, I have to try to think of ones no one else will. And some so obscure I'm probably one of the only ones who know the song! 1. Cat in the Window - Petula Clark (actually mentions 2 animals) Fly away, fly away There's a cat in the window And he's watching all the birds go passing by 2. Run for the Roses - Dan Fogleberg From sire to sire It's born in the blood The fire of a mare A nd the strength of a stud It's breeding and it's training And it's something unknown That drives you and carries You home. 3. Cats in the Cradle - Harry Chapin And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon Little boy blue and the man on the moon When you comin' home dad? I don't know when, but we'll get together then son You know we'll have a good time then 4. You and Me and a Dog Named Boo - Lobo Me and you and a dog named boo Travellin' and livin' off the land Me and you and a dog named boo How I love being a free man 5. I am the Walrus - Beatles I am the eggman, they are the eggmen. I am the walrus, goo goo g’joob. 6. Tie Me Kangaroo Down - Harris Rolf Tie me kangaroo down, sport Tie me kangaroo down Tie me kangaroo down, sport Tie me kangaroo down 7. How Much is that Doggie in the Window How much is that doggie in the window The one with the waggily tail How much is that doggie in the window I do hope that doggie's for sale 8. Swamp Witch - Jim Stafford (one of my all time favorites) Black water Hattie lived back in the swamp Where the strange green reptiles crawl Snakes hang thick from the cypress trees Like sausage on a smokehouse wall Where the swamp is alive with a thousand eyes An' all of them watching you Stay off the track to Hattie's Shack in the back of the Black Bayou 9. Night Owl - James Taylor A catfish he tends to groove on the water It's just where he's bound to be And a monkey kinds of flashes on fruits and bananas So he lives in the top of a tree But my eyes are made for darkness And so the nighttime is right for me Said I'm a night owl, honey Sleep all day long 10. Serenading a Mule - Perry Como There's a song in the air, But the fair senorita doesn't seem to care for the song in the air. So I'll sing to my mule if you're sure she won't think that I am just a fool serenading a mule. Sunday, April 09, 2006
Blogging for Books I want you to use the book's title,Fly on the Wall, as a jumping off place. You can use the words "a fly on the wall" in your essay, you can use the words to jump to writing about homilies or cliches or Kafka or transformation, you can write about eavesdropping or being eavesdropped upon or a time when you haved like to be a fly on the wall---There are a THOUSAND ways to go with this, so don't be afraid to think outside the box.
She sat perfectly still. Not a muscle on her sleek black body flinched. Not a hair moved. I had never seen such stillness or calmness combined with such intensity. She watched her prey waiting patiently for the right moment to attack. One movement of whisker or paw, or one slight flick of her long sleek tail would alert her prey. She had to wait for the precise moment to attack. The fly on the wall also sat perfectly still. Trying to appear invisible to it’s stalker. Some instinct telling it that one movement of a translucent wing would be its last movement before death. The fly was there by no fault of its own. An open door had been an invitation, but little did it know the door led to the den of one of its most feared predators. All its instincts were now honed in on escape. Both watched and waited. And I watched in the background not moving a muscle or making a sound, not wanting or daring to disrupt this silent still dance between prey and predator. The silent watch went on for almost twenty minutes, then suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere one of the young kittens jumped up on the table and swatted the fly away. The fly disappeared quickly as the cat slapped the kitten off the table and then in typical cat fashion washed it’s face with it’s paw and walked away tail and head held high making it plain that was exactly the way she had planned it. Saturday, April 08, 2006
Another of those great emails from one of my crazy friends:
THE YEAR'S BEST [actual] HEADLINES OF 2005: CRACK FOUND ON GOVERNOR'S DAUGHTER [Imagine that!] Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Expert Says [No, really?] Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers [That'll stop 'em.] Is There a Ring of Debris around Uranus? [Not if I wipe thoroughly!] Panda Mating Fails; Veterinarian Takes Over [What a guy!] Miners Refuse to Work after Death [Those-good-for-nothing lazy so-and-sos!] Juvenile Court to Try Shooting Defendant [See if that works any better than a fair trial!] War Dims Hope for Peace [I can see where it might have that effect!] If Strike Isn't Settled Quickly, It May Last Awhile [You think?] Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures [Who would've thought!] Enfield ( London ) Couple Slain; Police Suspect Homicide [They may be on to something!] Red Tape Holds Up New Bridges ! [You mean there's something stronger than duct tape?] Man Struck By Lightning: Faces Battery Charge [He probably IS the battery charge!] New Study of Obesity Looks for Larger Test Group [Weren't they fat enough?!] Astronaut Takes Blame for Gas in Spacecraft [That's what he gets for eating those beans!] Kids Make Nutritious Snacks [Taste like chicken?] Local High School Dropouts Cut In Half [Chainsaw Massacre all over again!] Hospitals are Sued by 7 Foot Doctors [Boy, are they tall!] And the winner is.... Typhoon Rips Through Cemetery; Hundreds Dead [Really??!!!] Thursday, April 06, 2006
Rick, you didn't let me down! As everyone knows my very good friend of 43 years died March 28th. The past few years our main connection has been the phone and the internet, where we would meet a couple times a week to chat and play games. Since he's been gone I have been trying to fill the void and today did a google search under his online name and even in death he made me laugh.... I have to explain this before I post it... I am not posting it in a mean spirited sense but in the spirit of Rick...
See, anyone who knows him knows Rick is a womanizer. A lovable one, but a womanizer none the less. He was never satisfied with just one woman, but always had to have at least two... I say at least two because he has had three or more at times. Which is the reason that no matter how many times he asked me to marry him, or said we should get married, I would just laugh and say it wouldn't work. I could deal with the "affair" but not if I were married to him. When I get married the rules change. So, there I am searching the net, and lo and behold I find two current listings for him in the singles section! He uses his right age, but lies a bit about his height and weight. After all, he knew he would never meet these women.... He even used our old music group and business as hook and leave it to Rick...was he looking for someone in our age bracket... Nope!! 18 years old or over... And this is the Rick I knew and loved! I was telling my older sister, who also knew Rick well, about my find and she was laughing and agreed it would be a fitting tribute and send off for him. Check out the little detail lies… height, hair color and education in the next one… you gotta love this guy! He never gave up. Check these singles ads out! Hi! I work with musicians and talented people of all kinds. I am looking for the type of woman who would like my kind of life. From models to slide Spoker2000: Producer of *Fun*..... Tampa, FL, Florida Search free personals ads Online dating is easier here. Relationship Type: Friend/penpal Any Children: Yes, not with me Future Children: May be Profile Region: 55 Live in: Tampa, FL, Member Gender: Male Member ID: 24575 Age: 57 Hey, he was even posting this past year! Occupation: Founder, FMM Productions Ethnicity: White Religion: Christian Height: 5' 11" Weight: 180 Eyes: Green Hair: Blond Marital Status: Divorced Education Level: High School Smoke: No Drink: Yes, socially Recent Activity: Seeking: Female Hi! I work with musicians and talented people of all kinds. I am looking for the type of woman who would like my kind of life. From models to slide guitarists, I deal them all. Everyone of you fine women have a talent worth following up.....Mine??....I have fine fingering technique learned from both guitar picking and piano plunking. You?? Let's find out what kind of talent YOU have... Write me at and we can take it from there! (I love the double entendres and the use of saying he's looking for musicians (but hey then would it matter if it was a male or female?...models Rick???...hmmmm ) Ad number 2: Search free personals ads Online dating is easier here. I am looking for a woman 18 years old and up, who could deal being a part of a musi Spoker2000: Me Again! Tampa, FL, Florida Spoker2000 Relationship Type: Friend/penpal Any Children: Yes, not with me Future Children: May be Profile Region: 55 Live in: Tampa, FL, Member Gender: Male Member ID: 24547 Age: 57 Occupation: Producer Ethnicity: White Religion: Christian Height: 5' 10" Weight: 185 Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown (now he's changing his hair color) Marital Status: Divorced Education Level: College Smoke: No Drink: Yes, socially Recent Activity: Seeking:Female I am looking for a woman 18 years old and up, who could deal being a part of a musical, game loving, playful bunch of ladies and one gentleman so far...... From Keyboards to Playstation, fingering to subtle tongue movements on an oboe (for example), making you the special one for the spot in my life that I need... Write me Please. "Ricardo" And so he leaves me with a smile and a chuckle and I'm glad to see he hadn't changed one iota! He may not have had any voice to talk, so I guess he was letting his fingers do the "talking". Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Does anyone know what time it is? Daylight savings time has struck again and I reset all the clocks I could reach and knew how to reset. I have one in my bedroom, that I do not know how to reset, but figured I would just know it was an hour later than the clock said.
Every morning I get up an hour before Keith so I can feed the cats, clean the litter boxes, pack his lunch, lay out his clothes, and get breakfast started... so this morning I get up at 8:00 a.m (Keith gets up around 9 on MWF) and while I'm out feeding the cats Keith gets up! Why are you up so early? I demanded of him not pleased to have my routine disrupted. He looks stunned and says he's not up early. I haven't even fed the cats, so you are up and an hour early. It's 9 o'clock, he tells me. And I of course knowing he is wrong let him know it is only 8! Until I look at the clock on the microwave and see it is actually 8:55...aaaarrrggghhhh!!!!!! I hate daylight savings time! I hate clocks I can't set! I hate mornings!!!! Okay, the last isn't true, but whoever invented daylight savings time had better stay out of my way for awhile... And Keith...uh.. well... I guess I'm sorry I yelled at you, but you were up 5 minutes early (smile!).... 8:55 is not 9! Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Anyone you know? The person who sent this to me said this would be them in a few years. If you asked my husband, he would tell you this is me now! Monday, April 03, 2006
Power mower: I know, I know... I don't like power mowers. They are loud, so I can't listen to books on tape while using one. They are smelly and you have to worry about gas and oil and crap. But, with more and more piling up, I found I needed to get the lawn done faster than my little person powered mower would go.
SO! this weekend I went to Lowe's and got a small power mower. I got one already assembled because I knew if I had to assemble it - well that just wasn't going to happen. I found the spark plug, I found where to put the gas, I even found where to put the oil. But! I couldn't open the darn oil thing! So, had to have one of my neighbors sons do that for me. So, I get the oil in, I fill the gas tank, I prime the darn thing.... I do everything the little not so helpful help manual tells me to do. The engine makes noises like it's going to start...but doesn't. So, I try again.. and again...and again....!! My arms aren't long enough to pull the darn start cord hard enough and fast enough to get it to turn the engine over! Now, my husband will have to start it for me the first few times, until it gets loosened up enough for me to do. I know I can start a power mower. I've done it before. I've used them before. But this is my first brand new one. With more and more women doing these types of chores, I wonder why they haven't made one with a shorter start cord!! I know we've come a long way, baby, but we need to start letting tool manufactures know that women are using their equipment and perhaps they should design models with women in mind as well as men. How do short men handle these situations? Saturday, April 01, 2006
It’s April First… I could do an April Fools Day post but instead I am going to start April with a song. One from my youth that still brings about a melancholy feeling for me of days gone by, loves lost, time gone that can be retrieved.
April Come She Will by Simon and Garfunkel April come she will When streams are ripe and swelled with rain; May, she will stay, Resting in my arms again. June, she’ll change her tune, In restless walks she’ll prowl the night; July, she will fly And give no warning to her flight. August, die she must, The autumn winds blow chilly and cold; September I’ll remember A love once new has now grown old.