What ZephyrBird thinks
Life According to Zephyr


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Monday, April 24, 2006

Freaking me out!!! I will start by saying I don't believe in god or the devil or heaven or hell. I do however believe in a spirit world. If you find that contradictory then you do, but I don't. All this to explain what has been happening.

As you know, from previous posts, a life long friend and lover died on March 28th. During the past year he would tell me when he died he would come back to haunt me. He would tell me he loved me. He kept trying to get me to leave my husband and go back with him and he would leave his wife. I would tell him no and laugh it off.

A few nights ago, in my sleep, he came to me and took me back to the night he died, but he showed me his wife removing the oxygen tubes and suffocating him. I told him he was playing an evil game and I didn't believe him and that ended that. For the time being....

Last night he showed up again with a vengenance and tried three times to take me with him. First he had me on a bike careening down a mountain and a semi was bearing down on me. Rick was in the background watching, but I managed to jump off the bike and get out of the way before the truck hit the bike....

In the next scene I was on a hill with a bunch of people, protesting or something, and there was Rick and he told me there were explosives and I would die in the explosion... I ran!!!

As fast as I could and ended up in a building. But there were windows and I knew I had to get away from the glass, but there he was again telling me the only way to escape the explosion was to follow him and jump out the window. He went and I looked down and it was 30 floors to the ground and I told him NO, I would die if I jumped and I turned and walked away.

I woke up soaked in sweat!! So, tonight I called his wife and told her about it and asked her to tell him to stop. I don't mind him visiting, but this has got to stop. While were talking the radio came on and she said, Bonnie, I don't know what happened but I didn't touch the radio and it came on. She said maybe he wants us to hear this song... what was playing?

A song called Unchained Melody.... so as I was asking her to tell him to stop trying to take me with him - he was sending this message...

Oh, my love, my darling,
I've hungered for your touch a long, lonely time,
Time goes by so slowly and time can do so much.
Are you still mine?
I need your love, I need your love, God speed your love to me.

Lonely rivers flow to the sea, to the sea
To the open arms of the sea
Lonely rivers sigh, "Wait for me, wait for me"
"I'll be coming home, wait for me!"

Are you still mine?
I need your love, I need your love, God speed your love to me

Anyway...it freaked us both out and I told her to turn it off and once again asked her to make it clear to him I wasn't going with him. I still have things to do and Keith needs me here.

Whatever you believe I can only say this was too real and not just a dream. And the radio thing was just too freaky.

At first we couldn't understand why he would try to make me think his wife had done that, but then realized he was a great manipulator and would lie to get people to do what he wanted. So, again, whatever you believe and whether you believe this or not, is okay. For me it is too real. Hopefully, now that his wife knows what he is doing he will stop. Oh, and she asked me what he looked like and I told her in the first part he had long hair, but when he went out the window he had short hair, which I found odd. She said, no, it wasn't because he had had his hair cut short the day before he died.

Addendum: (this question posted by Keith)It does seem contradictory to me as well. How can a spirit world exist if everything else is just the product of the natural evolution of material objects? Zephyr please explain your theology/philosophy/ belief system in detail I am sure there are many that will be waiting with baited breath.

First, Priscilla did not say my feelings or belief was contradictory but that the events themselves were strange...but I thought I would answer your question here to clarify, or try to clarify what I believe about life and death.

I believe there is a transition period between the time the physical body dies and the actual being leaves the plane of the living. I believe once final death does occur, which can differ for different people depending on how hard they fight to remain among the living, then there is nothing more. But, I have had experiences with spirits at various times in my life as has my mother, my sister Linda, a few others I know. I am not asking others to believe this or to change their beliefs, or to even accept it because I don't always believe in or accept others beliefs. I do believe in their right to believe what they will. I don't question friends who believe in god, or gods and goddesses, or whatever else is out there. I don't ask anyone who doesn't believe in spirits or just doesn't want to believe in them to join me. But, I do believe the physical body is only a vessel for the actual being and it is that being that fights the final death once it's vessel can no longer support it. Someday I will do a longer blog on this subject, for that's it in a nutshell for now.

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