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Sunday, April 16, 2006
Am I totally insane? Remember I mentioned Little Friend and that she was pregnant, then she had her babies a couple weeks ago but had them hidden? Remember I was saying I would love to see the babies? Well, once again it's a case of be careful what you ask for you just might get it. Yesterday, when I went out to feed her - yes, she continued to come for meals - she walked in and had one of her babies with her. She parked herself and the baby on the floor and looked at me like she was saying...well? how about a little help here. I saw she had come from the bushes, in front of our house, where she would stay BEFORE the babies so went and checked and sure enough there were three more waiting there! I brought them around and gave them to her and now they are all moved back into the room where she stayed while recovering from her leg abcess. They all lay in the cage and she eats while they nurse and all seem very content to be there. We already have homes for two of the kittens and the mommy, but of course, have to wait until the babies are old enough. Another four to five weeks. They are all very small!!! Haven't been able to check to see which are boys and which are girls yet, but I will let you know and get individual pics when they are a bit bigger.
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