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Life According to Zephyr
Cost of the War in Iraq
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Wednesday, February 19, 2003
Love Is...My husband likes me to cover him up at night and snuggle before going to sleep. I asked him what he did before we were married and he said, he can't remember, those were dark times. Love is thinking everything before we were "we" were dark times.
My husband is always telling me how cute I am...Zephyr you look so cute with your little cup of soup, Zephyr you look so cute with Mr. Fuzz (one of our cats) snuggled on your lap... one day I told him he would think I looked cute sitting on the toilet and he agreed :-)... He thinks I look cute even when I look my worst. Love is blind :-). Love is seeing below the surface to the real person. In the shower, my husband makes up and sings silly songs about me and our cats. Love is sometimes silly, often spontaneous, and always fun. Thursday, February 13, 2003
Why there are no jobs: Yes, the economy sucks, but I performed an experiment today and think I may have hit upon yet another reason why there are no jobs. This is my errand day. I went to the bank, the grocery store, the gas station and the postoffice. I never intereacted with a single person. At the bank I used drive thru for my withdrawal, at the grocery store I only had a few items to get so used U-Scan, at the gas station I paid at the pump with plastic and at the post office I purchased my stamps from the vending machines in the lobby. It's time to change my ways or stop complaining about no jobs. How many of us are guilty of using machines to do what used to be done by people. This may also explain why we are becoming less and less of a social society. We are interacting more and more with machines and less and less with people. This is just my humble opinion :-).
Thursday, February 06, 2003
Went to Swan Lake today. I guess admist all the chaos going on these days I needed reminded there are still peaceful places, even here in Sumter, SC. Took pictues of the swans, watched an elderly couple stroll around the lake and two young men paddle a canoe around the lake. Peace reigned for a short time and the rest of the world forgotten.
Tuesday, February 04, 2003
Just a thought There is more money being spent on breast implants and Viagra than Alzheimer's research.
By 2020, there should be a large elderly population with perky breasts, never-ending erections and no recollection of what to do with either of them !!!
On getting older I wll be 55 this February 5th and my husband will be 52 the following day. I find it encouraging my energy level is still so high. Oh sure, I have my days where I feel old and tired but they are few and far between. Maybe not working outside the home has something to do with that. My life is finally settling down, although I still suffer from what my mother calls itchy feet. I want to go places! I want to see more, learn more, enjoy more. Life is for the living and I plan on doing it for quite some time. My mother says my need for travel is because she travelled a lot between CA and PA when she was pregnant with me and then after my birth she had to to travel with my older sister, Linda, and me. Now that I think about it Linda was quite the wanderer for some years also. I wonder if I will ever be at a place in my life where I will say this is where I want to be or will I always be wondering what else is out there for me.
"Life is not a problem to be solved but a mystery to be lived." M. Scott Peck Monday, February 03, 2003
Euthenasia I don't know how many of you out there own cats, or to be correct, are owned by cats, but those who do can relate. A few months ago we took in an elderly Siamese cat who was quite ill. We did everything we could and she seemed to be getting better, but took a turn for the worse last week. I took her to the vet on Friday and her liver and kidney readings were way too high. They had done all they could and as they said, we certainly tried. We had two choices. We could put her on a therapy that may or may not work and keep spending a lot of money, but the vet said in the end we would have to make the choice to put her down before she started to really suffer. I called my husband at the school where he teaches and we agreed it was time to let her go. I stayed with her and held her while they gave her the shot and until she was gone. It was so peaceful. I keep thinking how we are so much kinder to our animals than we are to humans. When a cat or dog becomes so ill they no longer have any quality to life we allow them to die with dignity. When a person becomes that ill and cannot function, we stick tubes and needles into them and call it life support. What a crock! What life!! I only hope by the time I become too sick to care for myself and to function in any capacity the laws have changed or someone will love me enough to take me to the vets and let them give me that shot :-). I am a believer in euthenasia.
this is a test...this is only a test...had this been an actual message you may have been able to reply to it.
Sunday, February 02, 2003
02/02/03 Of course, my thoughts are with the families of those aboard the space shuttle Columbia. What a horrific site to watch it split and burn so close to landing. I know we can't help speculating on how this happened. When we see the video of the take off and see the piece flying off the shuttle and hitting the left wing, don't we all get a feeling that they were doomed from the start. Did our govt. know this and not tell them or were they aware of the danger of re-entry in the damaged shuttle. And what of the fate of the three still on the space station? I will continue this later. For now I just have too many questions and suspicions. Pictures of the astronauts the day before take off and prior to take off.