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Monday, February 03, 2003
Euthenasia I don't know how many of you out there own cats, or to be correct, are owned by cats, but those who do can relate. A few months ago we took in an elderly Siamese cat who was quite ill. We did everything we could and she seemed to be getting better, but took a turn for the worse last week. I took her to the vet on Friday and her liver and kidney readings were way too high. They had done all they could and as they said, we certainly tried. We had two choices. We could put her on a therapy that may or may not work and keep spending a lot of money, but the vet said in the end we would have to make the choice to put her down before she started to really suffer. I called my husband at the school where he teaches and we agreed it was time to let her go. I stayed with her and held her while they gave her the shot and until she was gone. It was so peaceful. I keep thinking how we are so much kinder to our animals than we are to humans. When a cat or dog becomes so ill they no longer have any quality to life we allow them to die with dignity. When a person becomes that ill and cannot function, we stick tubes and needles into them and call it life support. What a crock! What life!! I only hope by the time I become too sick to care for myself and to function in any capacity the laws have changed or someone will love me enough to take me to the vets and let them give me that shot :-). I am a believer in euthenasia.
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