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Thursday, February 13, 2003
Why there are no jobs: Yes, the economy sucks, but I performed an experiment today and think I may have hit upon yet another reason why there are no jobs. This is my errand day. I went to the bank, the grocery store, the gas station and the postoffice. I never intereacted with a single person. At the bank I used drive thru for my withdrawal, at the grocery store I only had a few items to get so used U-Scan, at the gas station I paid at the pump with plastic and at the post office I purchased my stamps from the vending machines in the lobby. It's time to change my ways or stop complaining about no jobs. How many of us are guilty of using machines to do what used to be done by people. This may also explain why we are becoming less and less of a social society. We are interacting more and more with machines and less and less with people. This is just my humble opinion :-).
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