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Tuesday, February 04, 2003
On getting older I wll be 55 this February 5th and my husband will be 52 the following day. I find it encouraging my energy level is still so high. Oh sure, I have my days where I feel old and tired but they are few and far between. Maybe not working outside the home has something to do with that. My life is finally settling down, although I still suffer from what my mother calls itchy feet. I want to go places! I want to see more, learn more, enjoy more. Life is for the living and I plan on doing it for quite some time. My mother says my need for travel is because she travelled a lot between CA and PA when she was pregnant with me and then after my birth she had to to travel with my older sister, Linda, and me. Now that I think about it Linda was quite the wanderer for some years also. I wonder if I will ever be at a place in my life where I will say this is where I want to be or will I always be wondering what else is out there for me.
"Life is not a problem to be solved but a mystery to be lived." M. Scott Peck
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