What ZephyrBird thinks
Life According to Zephyr


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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Blah, blah, blah! Well, as my husband pointed out it's been awhile since I've posted here. The truth is I've just been so discouraged over the computer issues that doing anything on the internet just doesn't interest me much these days. It's like one thing gets fixed and another thing goes wrong. My code is there for comments yet there are no comments showing. Things like that make me want to throw in the towel.

On top of that I got real sick for about 3 to 4 weeks and that didn't help my attitude any. Started with a cough that wouldn't quit and just got worse and worse. Ended up with bronchial pneumonia. Finally got that licked but it took a lot out of me and am still rebuilding my energy level.

Then our landlady dropped a bomb on us! When we first rented here she said cats were fine as long as we cleaned good when we left. She had no problems! The people before us had dogs and believe me you knew it when you walked in. There is carpeting in only one room (this one) and every time it got humid outside the carpet stunk of dog until I scrubbed it enough to get rid of that smell. But...she was talking with a man from her church who is now renting out a house of his and HE told her to raise the rent (she did by $50 a month) and that she shouldn't let pets because you can't rent a place out again once you rent to someone with pets. So, now she wants us to get rid of our cats. We placed one with a very nice family, but have had no luck finding suitable families for any others. I don't want to put them in the SPCA because they are a rip off. They charge you to place the pets and then charge the people who adopt them. What gets me is even if you take in a cat that has been spayed or neutered they still charge the adopting people for the spaying or neutering! Something is wrong with that system.

So, as you can see I am not in the best of humor these days. So for now my posts will be erratic and I admit to defeat to the challenge of posting at least once a week during the year. I am way behind on that one!

Oobla di oobla da life goes on.

My gramma would say, "It's time to burn some black candles!" Lets hex the old hag ! Grrrr.

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