What ZephyrBird thinks
Life According to Zephyr


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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Well, I'm finally back online and apologize for the delay in posting. Last open mic was so much fun it was disappointing to not be able to post immediately! I will list names and put up more pictures later, but wanted to at least get the group picture up. I had everyone gather around two of the three tables so everyone would be in one shot. We had some new faces and welcome everyone! I want to thank you all for making the night such a good time! I've had a lot of feedback on the new setup and so far very positive. Everyone seems to enjoy the more intimate setting, the closeness to each other and the ability to talk to other poets about their work. Right now my hands are cramping, so again, will post more later, but wanted to get up at least one post and a big thank you! I've been offline for a week now with computer issues, but all seems to have been resolved! So, keep watching for more updates and more pictures!

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