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Saturday, February 24, 2007
It's been awhile since I let my insanity reign supreme so it's time for an insantity break!
Sunday, February 18 Monday Music Mambo Hello all! I'm back with another Mambo for your enjoyment. Today is Temporary Insanity Day. 1. What song drives you mad when you hear it? There are a lot but two that really make me want to scream stop!! are The Girl From Impanema and These Boots are Made for Walking. 2. Who do you think is the craziest musician out there? Right now probably Brittany Spears - she's been in and out of rehab how many times in just one week? Okay, that's if you can call her a musician. I guess she's more of a vocalist - I won't even label her a singer - but she does make vocal sounds. 3. What is your favorite song with the word "crazy" in the title? Still Crazy by Paul Simon (sort of the story of me - still crazy after all these years!) 4. If you went temporarily insane, what song or album would be your soundtrack? They're coming to take me away, Hahaa!!! The rules are, there are no rules!!! All you need to do is copy and paste the above questions into your blog and add your responses. After you've finished, return here and leave us a comment so we'll know you've Mamboed. Be sure your Mambo is linked back to http://bdinsanity.blogdrive.com so others can dance too. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers. If one of the questions doesn't inspire you then simply "pass" it. Just use your imagination and dance like crazy!
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