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Sunday, December 31, 2006

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us Since this is New Years Eve I decided to borrow some memes from my sister, Victoria, and have some fun.

Fridays Feast:

Appetizer: How do you usually celebrate on New Years Eve?

For quite a few years now we have celebrated by staying at home and watching the countdown on tv. Having egg nog and going to bed after the ball drops. That is if I can stay up until midnight. There have been a few years I missed it entirely.

Soup: Name one thing unexpected that happened to you in 2006.

The event that rocked my world the most was the death of my friend, Rick. While not totally unexpected, as he had been ill for awhile, when it did happen I wasn't prepared.

Salad: Where was your favorite place you visited in 2006?

Haven't done much travelling this year, but would have to say Charleston, SC. There is so much civil war history there.

Main Course: What resolution is your top priority for 2007?

LOL!! I learned long ago to not make resolutions because I am not the type of person to keep one. I would love to get more organized here so I can keep the house less cluttered but my top priority is for us to be happy.

Dessert: Using just three words, describe 2006

Sad Happy Unusual

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