9:46 PM
by Bonnie
Open Mic Night:
With it being so close to Christmas I wasn't expecting a large turnout for open mic. The surprise was we did have a fair amount of poets, even if the audience was thinner tonight than normal. We had some new faces both as poets and in those who came to listen. I was pleased the Dr.'s Ali were able to make it, finally! Maybe they'll come back again when we have a better turnout, but I have to admit I was pleased with the poets who took time from their busy holiday season to join in tonight. Also, for some reason I forgot to take pics of some so will have to go through the archives and hope I have pictures to use. I hate it when I do that!

Our featured poet tonight,
Sunida York, did a fabulous job! She is the author of He's Not Your Boyfriend If... She's Not Your Girlfriend If... A book guaranteed to give you some giggles and grins. Thanks Sunida!

(archive photo) Susan Robinson, our poet waitress, joined us tonight long enough to do a couple poems. Unfortunately, she was also working so we only got her up once. Her poetry is so sensitive and sometimes heartbreaking. She did one tonight called I Wish I Didn't Know You that I am sure everyone could relate to at one time or another in their life.

Tom Rowe took us on what I termed and Alice In Wonderland Journey with his poetry tonight. Sadly I don't remember the title, but what I like about his poetry is he takes you on a whirlwind trip and you never know where it will go next. I do enjoy the adventure!

Everyone else was wonderful! And my latest newest friend, Hyacynth Kinley, Collette Jones and myself are going to get a writers group together. We hope we will involve others in the poetry community as well as other authors, and encourage more creativity in the Sumter area. Below are the poets who performed tonight and I want to extend a big thank you to all of you! The night was wonderful! The poetry rocked! and it was hard to end the night and go back into the real world. Thanks for taking the time to share your poems, your feelings, your thoughts, and sometimes your desires! You are all the greatest!

Lakeyshuh ............
Marie Grady........Shannon and..... Benita Duncan who's picture I somehow missed taking! I am so sorry Benita!! I was sure I had one but alas there wasn't one on the disk!
I wish everyone a joyous and happy holiday season! Hope to see all of you again in January!