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Monday, December 25, 2006

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usHappy Holidays! Got back awhile ago from having a wonderful time sharing Christmas with our friends, Linda and Tom Rowe. We each made part of the dinner which was great. I made ham, sweet potato casserole, and deviled eggs. I did make a green bean casserole which for some strange reason got left behind in the refrigerator! I always forget something! Linda made duck and a sinfully smooth creamy pumpkin pie which we had with coffee and eggnog creamer later in the evening.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usAs you can see by the pictures no one enjoyed the food. Yeah, right! I was so proud of myself because I had gained some weight back and finally - today - I had lost enough I could finally get back into my favorite pair of black jeans. By the end of the meal I was wondering what I had been thinking to wear them instead of a pair of elastic waisted slacks! Oh and if you think you can't see me in the pictures you just aren't looking close enough. Come on! Look closer! Do you see me now? Yep, that's me behind the camera! Gotcha!!!

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us I was impressed to find someone who could cook a duck and do it right. The first and last time I made a duck it was so greasy I had to toss it. But this came out perfect! Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usAfter dinner we opened gifts. For those who don't know the story behind this gift I will give and abbreviated version. I met Tom when I worked at Carolina Tech in the cafteria and every day he would get M&M's until one day he said his wife wanted him to lose weight so no more M&M's, so this has become a joke between us.

The funniest thing is every year I get Keith a new snow globe, but for some reason I forgot this year. Things were just going to fast or something. So, imagine my surprise when we opened our gift bags from Linda and Tom and among other goodies, (including a bag of coal for me telling me I'd been naughty...heh heh heh! of course I had!), was a snow globe for each of us! So, the tradition has not been broken!

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us After gifts we got out my karaoke machine and had a blast! Keith, who can sing, but doesn't know any of the old songs had to endure...I mean got to listen to us as we sang our favorites. It's a good thing we can all do an acceptable job at singing or the neighbors might have started complaining. At one point we did hear the sirens, but they weren't for us! LOL! Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

So Happy Holidays and hope everyone has as much fun as we did today!

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