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Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Happy Days are here again!! Whew! I made it! I passed my drivers test and am now legally driving again. In spite of what Keith said in his remarks I was not turning cartwheels - that would not a be site anyone would want to witness. I was however singing the Halleluiah Chorus! I did learn from this - we all need to review our driving once in awhile and reread the manual. We tend to start slacking with some of the things we should be doing. I am going to rewrite the drivers manual to include parking lot driving rules and parking garage driving rules. Also, all cars must at all times have a cat hood ornament or be fined one bag of Purnina crunchies to be paid to our cats upon demand.
UPDATE! Well, I went in and took the test today. Aced the written, but dang it all, I kept forgetting to look over my shoulder and check my blind spot when pulling out of spaces. And I couldn't back up in a straight line. But, I did parallel park with no problem! So, now I have to go back tomorrow and retake the driven part. She said I won't have any problem because now I'll remember to check the blind spots. At least Keith will have the day off tomorrow so he can drive me down and wait...just in case... but if all goes accoring to plan I'll be back in business tomorrow! I've been getting back into walking, so decided to walk back home and leave my car there since I no longer have a license! I could have taken a cab, but walking is what keeps me going and keeps my arthritis from taking over. I left there around 10 a.m. and got home around 11 a.m. Not bad considering it's 2.75 miles! I just looked it up on mapquest. I have always loved walking thought. My sister, Victoria, will remember when back in Erie, PA I would walk from 21st and Ash to 12th and Sassafras to work the 7 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. shift at McDonald's - have lunch there - then walk from 12th and Sass to 8th and Parade to work the 3:30 p.m. to midnight shift at Keystone Towel Supply (an industrial laundry) and THEN! walk home back to 21st and Ash. It was actually safe back in those days to walk around and not worry about the violence we have to face these days. I can't tell you how many miles that was but it was a lot! I was a very fast walker in those days...but hey, for a fat old lady 2.7 miles in just under and hour ain't all that bad! I'll let you know tomorrow how the driving part went...check your blind spot! I can't believe I did this!!! Yes, this is one of those what was I thinking...or in this case I was not thinking blogs! Over the weekend Keith got his renewal for his drivers license and as I was looking it over I wondered why I hadn't also received one, since our birthdays are one day apart. So, I took out my license to see when it expires only to find IT HAD EXPIRED! February of 2006. Now, had I made this discovery a month ago all would be well, but here in SC they give you 9 months past expiration date...mine is 10 months...so yes, dear friends, I must retake the written and driving test over!! Aaarrggghhh!!! I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed. And everyone please do the same. If you see me out buying a bicycle in the next couple weeks you'll know what happened!
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