What ZephyrBird thinks
Life According to Zephyr


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Sunday, November 19, 2006

Wal-Mart's $4 generic drug plan: Before you go thinking this is such a great deal do what I did. Sit down and compare the prices for the generic drugs you already get to the $4 Wal-mart charge.

Of the seven drugs my husband takes regularly three are generic. This is the comparison:

Pindolol 5mg....30 for $4.........60 for $8.99-----.99
Warfarin 5mg....30 for $4.........60 for 10.00----2.00
Furosemide 80mg.30 for $4.........60 for $5.99----2.11 loss
Total savings:--------------------------------------.88

Now Walgreens is about 4 blocks away (I can walk on a good day) and WalMart is a couple miles at least. Taking into consideration just the gas that would be used to save that 88 cents for us it would not be cost effective. So, unless you have absolutely no insurance at all do some comparison shopping and take into consideration the gas, the time, and the aggravation involved. You know the old saying that if it sounds too good to be true - it probably is? Keep that in mind.

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