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Tuesday, October 03, 2006
The healing powers of Aldi's! When I was 35 and diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis I was told I'd be in a wheelchair by the time I was 50, since it affects my spine, hips, knees, etc...but today I realized why this never happened! Why at 58, even though there are days every once in awhile I think this might be it, today I realized why it never happened and why it never will. Because I shop at Aldi's! You think I'm nuts? Well, I'm not and you can witness this phenomenon yourself on any given day. See, I realized today as I pulled in and parked that once again EVERY handicapped space was taken, yet when I entered the store not a single person in there was handicapped! Not a single one in a wheelchair, on crutches, even wearing leg braces, or heck! not even a slight limp...well, except for me but my socks had gotten bunched up on my toes and ..well, never mind! But the point is they must have been handicapped when they parked there and hung up those handicapped signs on their rearview mirror, but lo and behold! halleluhiah! praise the gods and goddesses!! Blessed be!!! They were all healed upon entering Aldi's! And I witnessed it! I know this young woman, of maybe 35, had to be handicapped when she parked there - she had the handicapped sign to prove it! But blessed be I saw her with my own two eyes walk out of that store on two very good legs and put all her groceries in the trunk of her car, get into the car better than even I can!! It's amazing folks!! but true!!! So, I have decided that for the rest of my life I am going to make sure I get to Aldi's at least once a week. It was when I missed my arthritis gave me more trouble, so there it is - if you have a handicap that afflicts your ability to walk you just go to Aldi's and witness the healing yourself! Blessed be!
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