What ZephyrBird thinks
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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Open Mic Poetry night!! What a blast!! The first night was more than I had expected. We had three other poets and myself, which I was told by an experienced open mic person, my sister Victoria, that was good for a first night!

I, of course, took pictures so there are none of me...but here are the poets who did perform.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Our featured poet for tonight - Susan Robinson. Susan shared six of her poems with us and was very well received. She got a laugh when she said her last poem was not about anyone in particular, so Brian (her boyfriend) no matter what you think this is not about you. Someone in the cafe said, "In other words Brian, don't get a swelled head." Susan works at Drew's Blues and I am so appreciative of her for doing that to help open the readings.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Heather Roberts was probably the youngest poet there, but oh my! If we can get her to look at the audience she is going to be one powerful poet! I, and I know the others there, were very impressed with the maturity and depth of her poems. I am hoping she will keep coming and eventually gain enough confidence to be a featured poet. She impressed me!!

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us And last but not least Martina Borg aka Swampie... You rock!!! Martina read some of her favorite poems and also one she had written for her husband. What a woman! She is entertainment and everyone loved her and couldn't get enough of her. I am going to talk with her about being the featured poet next month. She had us from word one and we just wanted her to keep on going!

Next time I might even have someone take a pic or two of me! Everyone laughed at my getting old poem... I mean not getting old poem...which I will post at the end of this missive. And my other poems were very well received also. It's hard to talk about ones self, but I will say I had a blast! I loved every minute of it and can't wait until next month! I also shared a poem of my sisters called Small Victories and one of another crazy CT poet, Colin Haskins called No Kisses. That is my favorite of his because the lips on the front of his book by that title are mine! The first thing he said when he met me years ago, while I was in CT, was... I want your lips! I told that story and everyone laughed!

So...mark your calendars... Thursday.... July 20 ... from 7 PM to 9 PM be at:
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us


I am not getting old!
Just because I can’t remember your name
Or the day of the week
My mind is slowing, but not yet old!

I don’t know Tony Hawk,
Or Snoop Dog,
Or what kind of tool
An MC Hammer Is!

I do remember The Beatles,
Corner soda shoppes,
Juke boxes, noon day
Dances, and penny candy.

You laugh and say I have
What you call oldstimers disease
When I forget my words
Or lose track of my thoughts.

Kids shake their heads when
I ask, Britney who?
Or cover my ears and in my
Mothers voice say, you call that music?

Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell,
They knew what music meant
Not just screaming words,
But representing the time and speaking out.

Reality TV? What is that?
What happened to Leave it to Beaver
Or when Father knew best
And Lucy! I’m home made us laugh?

Where are the corner stores and bakeries,
Children no longer play hopscotch
On busy city streets and going home when
The street lights come on means nothing now.

A play station was the tree everyone returned
To in hide and go seek when the person who
was IT called all in free! Do kids even play that now?
Yes, I am getting older, but! I am not getting old!

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