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Friday, February 10, 2006
I am not a George Bush fan. Anyone who knows me knows this. They know I have little… no they know I have absolutely no respect for the man. But, I also believe in fairness. I received this email through one of my political groups and was disgusted by the content. Not because it belittled George Bush. Heck, we all do that, but by the way it was presented. Here is what was sent.
![]() If a white person makes a remark about a black person they are hung out in public like dirty laundry and forced to apologize, even if their statements are true. We call it racism then. But let a black person make a remark denigrating the white race and we say that’s okay. Well, it isn’t okay. It isn’t okay either way and I think Rep. Charles Wangle owes the white community an apology. Too judge an entire race on one mans actions is racism at its best. Now do I believe in white supremacy? That isn’t the issue. Heck, if there was really racial equality we would have more white basketball players, and football players, and track stars. Just because blacks are better at those sports doesn’t mean white’s shouldn’t have an equal opportunity to play and earn the big bucks, too! But, we don’t go there, do we? And blacks will tell you they are better at sports. Heck we even had a movie White Men Can’t Jump! We have equal opportunity when it comes to corporate jobs and businesses MUST hire minorities to fill so many positions. Yet, when it comes to sports that is not even a consideration. But, I am getting a bit off track here… For example: When Senator Reid called Clarence Thomas "an embarrassment to the Supreme Court" and said his "opinions are poorly written” members of the black leadership network Project 21 demanded an ‘immediate’ apology. Why? Senator Reid spoke the truth yet, this was called a racist remark because a white man said it about a black man. And when Cincinnati Reds owner Marge Schott made remarks about blacks being superior in sports Blacks demanded her head and an apology! “Jackson and Sharpton regularly spruce up their credentials as Black America's racial gatekeepers by demanding the scalp of any public figure (White, of course) that makes a racially insensitive gaffe.” (By Earl Ofari Hutchinson | SPECIAL TO THE OBSERVER). There are many more examples out there, but I just wanted to post a couple to make my point. Was Marge Schott insulting? No, she spoke what she felt was a truth and thought she was stating a compliment that blacks are better at sports than whites. Was Senator Reid wrong in his remarks? No, but because it was a white man speaking about a black man it was deemed racist. So how do we condone Charles Wangle’s statement and say it is acceptable and condemn the others? Do two wrongs make a right? I know some will disagree with me and that is their right. I don’t normally post controversial things here, but sometimes something just hits me in the right spot, or the wrong spot and I have to speak out. Just my humble opinion.
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