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Sunday, October 30, 2005
Saturday at the mall! I know it's Sunday, but was too tired yesterday to write much here and wanted to tell about all the doings at the mall. At least the ones I was involved in. As you know a few of us went back to the old TOPS group, and Linda, one of the women who went with me decorated a basket full of donations from local businesses and they auctioned it off yesterday. I don't know who the winner is yet, but they did raise over $200 to donate to Shaw AFB for the holiday baskets for the Katrina families living there. Linda also called me with a challenge. She had conquered one of her fears and donated blood for the first time in her life and since I am a seasoned donor and they needed people do give I took the challenge and went over and donated too. I told them I only did it for the pretzels and orange juice. My brother and his wife were there so we had fun chatting and catching up. You wouldn't believe we only live a couple blocks from each other, but when your lives get so busy somehow time slips by. They also had a celebrity dunking but I didn't participate in that one. Also passed by the baked goods... mmm mmm...but I am doing so good these past few weeks I didn't want to blow it. Been walking three times a week, riding my bike in between, and really doing good on the food intake. Have lost 6 pounds the past couple weeks!! Yea!!! Well, just wanted to post my Saturday since it was such a good one. Happy Halloween!!!
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