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Friday, October 07, 2005
I finally got it done. I wanted to do something for this months B4B because it was such a fun topic. So below is my entry.
It’s funny how a song playing at just the right moment can not only take on a life of its own, but bring new meaning to what you are doing at the time. Life takes some strange twists and turns and at fifty I found myself divorced and reunited with an old love. Old in the true sense of the word as we were both fifty. Also, our relationship had started over 35 years ago. We met at 15 and from that time on became the best of friends and lovers. Over the years we would each go in and out of different relationships, but whenever we were both free and needed someone we would drift back together. We had both been married numerous times – me twice and him three times. But something was always lacking. So, here we were once again drifting into each others lives and wondering where it would lead this time. We started a business together and also moved in together, but still I felt uneasy about the relationship. And one day as we were making love, with the radio playing in the background, Meatloaf’s Two Out of Three came on. As it played,”I want you, I need you, but there aint no way I’m ever gonna love you” I realized just what it was about us that didn’t feel right. Even though we said the words to each other it really wasn’t true. Oh, yes, I would always love him as a friend, but the words went deeper than friend love. There was no way I was ever going to love him in the "I want to be with you and no one else forever and ever" sense of the word. We have since drifted apart again and each remarried, but we do keep in touch and now another song has taken on a better meaning for us. It was a song that Joan Baez sang that ran through my mind as I packed the last time I was leaving. “We may not always be the best of lovers, But if you leave it to me I think I can see, We’ll always be the best of friends.”
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