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Thursday, September 29, 2005
Job Hunting: Figured it was time I posted an update on my adventures in job hunting. One positive thing has come out of my latest arthritis flare up. I have been directed to the Vocational Rehabilitation Center here in Sumter for help. The arthritis has now become a disability, even though I don't consider myself disabled. So, they are trying to help me find something I can do and have given me a list of places to try. If nothing comes of it they will open a file on me and work to find me a job or if nothing else help me get on disability. That is a last resort for me.
Also, out of the leads I have come upon a woman who heads up a program called Experience Works. She helps people 55 and over find part-time employment. I will be seeing her next Tuesday. In the meantime, my last visit to the doctor was interesting. He did the usual range of motion tests and has informed me that now I not only have arthritis in my left hip, knee, back, both hands, and right shoulder, but also in my right knee. I had been hoping that that leg would not be affected. He put me on a different medication, since nothing was helping and the pain had gone beyond bearable. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the worst it was hitting around 15 to 20. With the new medication it was back down to between 5 and 10. So he told me to add extra-strength tylenol with it and that seems to be helping for now. When I couldn't walk or do my line dancing I knew I had to do something more. So...the job hunt continues but I am feeling more positive about it now. I checked in with the staffing agency I am also using and they had four jobs come in, but all involved heavy lifting. Not for me!!! All in all I am feeling better mentally and emotionally with the pain back under control and more "in control" again. One place I'm applying is with the school district here. Hey, with my husband teaching here, my sister, Victoria, teaching in CT, I figured I'd get involved in the school in some capacity, too. Look out world here I come... well, at least look out Sumter, SC here I come! Stay tuned for the continuing saga of Bonnie J!
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