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Monday, August 22, 2005
Job Hunting situation! Went in for the interview this morning and had to fill out tons and tons of paperwork. Unfortunately, SVHS has not seen fit to send my transcripts yet. I called again this morning and the young woman said she was doing transcripts today, so I gave her the fax number for the employment agency and they have not yet been received.
Also, for an employer to get my previous employment record from Verizon they must pay!!! Can you believe it! Well, of course, they don't want to do that so I have had to call and will now have the employment verification mailed to me (which I will make copies of) and then take it to the agency. I am getting frustrated, aggravated, and irritated!! All I want is a stupid job. And to top it off after I got home from the agency, this morning, I received a call they had forgotten to give me their testing. So, I had to go back. After I was told I did excellent on all the tests, BUT I still need the #$%^%$#$$ HS transcripts and the employment verification before they can put me in the listings for jobs! I remember when you went in, applied, either got the job or didn't! All this test after test after test, criminal background checks, employment verifications (okay, that I can understand), and HS transcripts from 100 years ago... okay... 39 years ago and sign over your first born... I am beginning to understand why there are so many unemployed here! They make it more difficult to get a job then to get welfare! Okay...end of rant. I'll keep you updated.
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