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Sunday, July 10, 2005
![]() Power of the lawn mower: I enjoy mowing the lawn. I don't like power mowers because I don't like the noise and walking behind gas fumes. Or if electric worrying about a cord. I do enjoy listening to books on tape as I push my "person powered" lawn mower. I had to hunt high and low for this mower! They don't make them anymore...at least so I was told. I tried WalMart where I was looked at as if I were crazy. At Kmart I was told I would have to go to an antique store! Can you believe it? Finally I happened upon Lowes and lo and behold! they had not one but two models. They were no less expensive than the gas powered ones, but as I stated I hate those and get more satisfaction mowing the lawn the old fashioned way. I just wish I could find some way to convey this to my neighbors. A couple weeks ago, one of the grandsons of my neighbor, came over and asked what that was referring to my lawn mower. A lawn mower I told him. He looked dubious and said, "I have a power mower." In fact, I had seen the grandfather (a man about my age) using a riding mower to mow their little patch of front yard. Their back yard is all dirt because they have swing sets and all sorts of stuff for the grandchildren. Yesterday I had one come over and offer to mow for pay. And that evening as I was happily mowing the front yard, listening to a Ruth Rendell book on tape, the neighbors from across the street came home. The man (older than me!) came over and said he would come mow my lawn when he mowed his. I thanked him for the offer and told him it wasn't necessary. I was doing what I enjoyed, it was exercise for me, and gave me time to listen to my tapes. He didn't seem to believe me and said it would be no trouble. I practically begged him not to, and he looked at my mower with pity and said he used to have to mow like that when he was a kid. I said, yes, so did I and I still enjoyed this. I explained my dislike for the power mower. I'm still not sure he believed me and am not sure what to do if he ever does come over here with that noisy, smelly thing and mows my lawn. I have birds nesting in my bushes and don't want them scared. I love it that they follow me as I mow, and I am sure this would not happen with a power mower. So, if you see me out there with my "old fashioned-person powered lawn mower" please don't feel sorry for me, don't think you have to rescue me. I am enjoying myself. And whatever you do, don't interrupt my book on tape to offer to do what I am already doing....MY WAY!
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