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Sunday, May 15, 2005
This is a chain interview from Victoria (started with Kim)
You have a new feedback to your feedback in Left Wing Liberal Commie Agitator. Vic wrote: Okay, here goes 1. What do you consider to be the most difficult thing you have ever done? Give my daughter up for adoption. Even though I knew at the time I would not be able to raise her and give her a good life, due to my lifestyle then, it still broke my heart. I’m just grateful that when she 18 she sought me out and we have been in touch since then. Sometimes you just have to love someone enough to not think about yourself, but do what’s best for them. She has thanked me more than once for giving her the wonderful family that did raise her. 2. If you could go back to age 13 (where Sarah is now) and know everything that you now, what is the first thing you would do differently? Study, study, study!! And not worry so much about boyfriends and peer pressure that girls aren’t supposed to be smarter than boys. I really blew it education wise! 3. If you were on a desert island and could end up with any three books with you, what would they be? Little Women by Louisa Mae Alcott – this has always been one of my ‘warm fuzzy’s’ Welcome to The Monkey House – Kurt Vonnegut The Story of My Life – Helen Keller (something to encourage and inspire) 4. If you could live anywhere in the world that you wanted, where would you live and why? New York City! I love New York and the question implies I would have the funds to live anywhere I would like. Of all the places I have been NYC has been the most exciting, most alive, most real place I have visited. 5. If you could go through your house and throw out any dozen things, (besides trash), what would they be? 1. Videos we don’t watch anymore (give away though not throw away) 2. Half my pots and pans 3. An old wooden chair 4. JASA books over 1 year old 5. Consumer report magazines over 1 year old 6. All the empty boxes for the computer peripherals (printers, etc.) 7. A single chair with a yellow cushion 8. Bins of clothes that no longer fit Keith (already got rid of my old clothes I’ll never wear again) 9. Unmatched socks (that one I really should do) 10. Old toothbrushes that are being saved to clean other things besides teeth 11. Expired hydrogen peroxide bottles (dang are those still there –they’re going out as soon as I finish this! 12. Old bills (paid) stacked up in my desk – yep they are getting shredded and going out too! (Thanks! Guess I’ll go clean out some stuff!) 1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me." 2. I will then ask you five questions. I get to pick the questions. 3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions. 4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post. 5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five question
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