What ZephyrBird thinks
Life According to Zephyr


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Friday, April 08, 2005

Line Dancing Swans: I was on my way to do some grocery shopping today, when I decided before doing anything I needed a walk around Swan Lake. Instead of walking around the popular pretty area I went across the street to the "Black water Hattie" area...

Black water Hattie lived back in the swamp
Where the strange green reptiles crawl
Snakes hang thick from the cypress trees
Like sausage on a smokehouse wall
Where the swamp is alive with a thousand eyes
An' all of them watching you
Stay off the track to Hattie's Shack in the back of the Black Bayou

For some reason this appeals to me more than the pretty flowery areas... and once there I was glad I had gone but sorry I hadn't planned the stop before leaving home, as I didn't have my camera. I saw beautiful herons, a wood duck with 9 babies, nesting swans, but the best part was two male white swans line dancing :-).

In unison the would lift their right leg and then bounce their heads up and down going honk honk honk honk...honk honk honk... then put the right leg down, lift the left leg and repeat the head bouncing and honking... all the while they were watching a flock of black swans (females I presume) to see if their dance was attracting any attention. It wasn't :-). I had to laugh it was so funny. My digital camera can take short videos and I would have loved to have captured that!

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