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Friday, March 25, 2005
What is responsible pet care? Recently a comment was made that letting pets go outside was irresponsible because the pets could get hurt. The question was raised would I allow a two year old child out by themselves? Well, let's see...
By two years of age a cat has been walking (actually by 6 weeks of age), eating, using a litter box, fighting off deadly roaches, spiders and other small creatures that pass their way, know that the sound of a car means bad news and high tails it out as fast as it can :-), will normally not go to a stranger but again will high tail it's way in in the opposite direction... does this mean a cat (or dog) will never get hurt? No, of course not, but is locking them up away from sunshine and fresh air and exercise any better? As for comparing them to a child of two, it just isn't fair to the cat, who's intellect and instincts are far more developed. A child of two has just started walking, isn't toilet trained, and still needs help with feeding. A child of two would not know to run out of the path of danger or away from a stranger. So, let's do a fair comparison. Would I allow a child of say 10 outside by themselves. Yes. And guess what? Children get hit by cars, abducted by strangers, and hurt in various ways when left out to play. Does this mean we should never let our children see the light of day, enjoy fresh air and go out and play with their friends? No. Does this mean a parent was irresponsible? Of course not. Am I saying it is wrong for this other person to keep her pet inside away from any outside dangers? No, each person has their own way of caring for pets, children, etc. Does this make the other person wrong? No, it's just a difference of opinion. All I'm saying is in my most humble opinion I would feel I was doing more harm to an animal not allowing them outside to exercise and get fresh air than by keeping them inside a building all day. My opinion, folks... I am not trying to force my opinion on anyone, just stating a defense of my position. So, even with that stated this is probably going to cause some emotional responses, because let's face it folks, people like to believe they are right and anyone who disagrees is wrong. Issues are black and white to a lot of people who have no vision of the shades of grey between. In my years on this earth I have grown to see the shades of grey. Does this mean I will change my opinion to what someone else says simply because I can see their side? No, it just means I can see their side, but also see mine and the next persons and the next persons. This is what makes life interesting. So, let's here it folks. Do you keep your pets inside or do you allow them outside? And why? I thought this would make an intereting topic of discussion. Let's see if it works :-).
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