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Monday, March 14, 2005
Time to dance
Woot! It's Monday and you know what that means ... time for the BDI's Monday Music Mambo. Today, let's mambo back (for some of us waaaay back) to our childhood. Mambo Step One ... What song do you remember most from your early childhood? Have your parents ever told you that you responded to a certain song as a child? If so, what was it and how did you respond. Hmmmm...had to think back on this one... I would have to say The Teddy Bears Picnic. Anyone else remember that one? I can't say that my parents have ever said I responded to song, but I do remember my younger brother, Vinny, get upset over the song Nothin' For Christmas because he thought it was meant for him :-). Mambo Step Two ... Do you remember the song that was playing the first time you danced with someone you were attracted to? Was it a fast dance, slow dance, did that person KNOW you were attracted to them and did you ever get to dance with them again? If not, what song did you last dance to with your "sweetheart"? If neither of those questions appeal to you, what was the most memorable dance you've ever had? Okay, let's see if I can remember this one... The Locomotion... it was a line type dance style and no, the person did not I was attracted to them. We just ended up side by side in the line. We had noon day dances at the school back then. Mambo Step Three ... Is there a song that you love and your bestfriend/significant other hates? How about that your significant other/bestfriend loves and you hate? If not a particular song, a particular genre of music or artist? Ah, this is an easy one. My husband likes classical and only classical. For him it is all about the music and for me it is all about the words. So I like the old 60's rock and folk genre which drives him crazy. We have private CD players :-). Mambo Step Four .... Is there a popular song that your parental unit sings or dances to that would make you turn ten shades of red from embarrassment if your friends saw? If not, have you ever seen your parental unit(s) dance? Are they good are do your have to try to stifle fits of laughter? If you're not around your parents much, you can substitute another family member or ever your "sweetheart". My parents never danced. My father didn't believe in dancing. But my mom still sings the old songs that were popular when she was young...crazy songs :-). She also loves Wayne Newton! You have to laugh at the songs my mom sings just because of the lyrics. Okay...this is what the one song sounds like... probably totally wrong spelling... Hutsa ralston on a rilla rah and a bralla bralla suet... ???????
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