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Saturday, February 12, 2005
My week in reveiw:
Organization: Somehow my week went out the window and I never got half of what I wanted to accomplish done. So, I am going to try the card trick of writing down chores and putting them in order and moving the card to the next day I want to do that chore. Hopefully that will put me on track again. And no more responses to friends in need who are not really in need. Monday: A friend called Sunday night because she had tried on a shirt that was loose on her last year and was too tight now and wanted a few of us to come to her house Monday and give her some support and ideas of what to do. When we got there she wanted to talk about anything except support and when we finally got her to sit down and listen she argued we shouldn't be cutting down on junk food because she didn't want to give it up. Well, duh!! Turned out she has an event coming up in a couple weeks and what she wanted to know was how to lose 20 pounds in those couple weeks. When we told her it couldn't be done she lost interest. Oh well. Half a day wasted that I usually dedicate to cleaning up the apt. after the weekend. and that threw me off for the rest of the week. If you really want help call me. I don't mind losing time for someone who really wants help, but if all you want is a quick solution...the magical cure...don't call me. I don't have it. Tuesday: My chore day and favorite day of the week. I go to the laundramat tuesday mornings and while there i write a weekly tuesday at the laundramat letter to one of my nieces. After the laundry I go to the bank, the post office, the library and oh yes... get my lottery ticket for Wednesday :-). After all that I meet with some friends for our journal meeting at the coffee house downtown here. That is always fun. Sometimes we walk, but mainly we sit and have coffee or tea and go over each others food journals. Wednesday: I actually got some housework done Wednesday, but for the life of me I can't remember what else I did that day. Had to go out and get some things for my hubby but the day escapes me now. Thursday: TOPS meeting and finally losing again. I was beginning to worry because after the holiday gains I couldn't seem to come back down again. It was only half a pound but at least in the right direction. One of the women in the group started this thing of each of us writing up motivation cards for other members with things to do to help reach our goals. it's a lot of fun and I enjoy making them. The only problem I'm having is I have gotten cards for three weeks now from other members and each of them are the same!!!! I am striving for uniqueness and hope some of the others will too. It's too easy to write don't drink sodas, eat a salad, drink 10 glasses of water, ride your stationary bike, don't eat starches. I admit I did similar things on my first cards but I did try to make it a little more fun. But, since I have been coming up with some really fun things. I worked hard on the ones for next week and had a ball and hope whoever gets them appreciates the specialness of what I did. :-). Friday: Was supposed to meet my neighbor who is going to install a CD burner in my computer. But I had to go do grocery shopping and by the time I got back he had left with his parents. So far we have not connected. Hopefully before the end of next week I will have my CD burner. Saturday: Met with a couple friends to play frisbee, but we never really got a game going. One of the women wasn't into it and when one isn't into it it is too easy to let them lead you astray :-). We got to talking so I suggested walking and talking which we did, but I didn't feel I got any real exercise today, so after dinner rode my bike for an hour to make up for the day. Then soaked in a hot bubble bath and read a junky myster novel. Tomorrow I will work on the cards to get me motivated and get this place in order again!!! Well, that's my week in review. Except for Wednesday which is a complete blank to me :-). Hope you all have a pleasant weekend and remember your days better than I do!!
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