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Sunday, February 06, 2005
Happy Birthday Weekend! What a great weekend. Yesterday I turned 57 and today my husband turned 54. It really does seem special to share a birthday weekend. And to top it off the superbowl was played today in honor of my husbands birthday :-). Yesterday there were so many phone calls we were actually exhausted just from talking to people. The funniest one was at 4 PM on the nose yesterday his cell phone rang, my cell phone rang, and the home phone was ringing!!! Which one to answer!!!??? Then I went online for a bit and found an email from a friend, Bernie, telling me that just because it was my birthday didn't give me the right to neglect my scrabble games. Well, later I found out why she was anxious for me to get to the scrabble games. My sister, Victoria, had posted to the pixiepit where we play in the Four Continents Tournament that yesterday was my birthday. There were greetings and email cards from people in various divisions, including the one I play in, and a special greeting on the site itself that came with each move. That was really fun!!! All in all it was a super weekend for us. Too bad it has to end :-). So happy end of birthday weekend and a big thank you and hug to everyone (especially Victoria) who made it so special.
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