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Thursday, May 06, 2004
UPDATES: It's been awhile since I've taken the time to sit down and post, so figured I would take a few minutes now. It's TOPS day and I don't want to get involved in something and then have to stop and leave, so decided to stop by here.
Got measured at CURVES this week and lost another 10 inches (total measurements) for the month of April and according to their scales 9 pounds. The best part is 3 of those inches were around the stomach and that is the area I am working on the most. To help with my get healthy plan I have been pretending I don't have a car, unless of course, I have to carry heavy packages home. Other than those few times I walk to the store, I walk to CURVES, I walk just to walk and what I have noticed is a year ago it wore me out just to walk around the apartment complex here, but the other day I walked 3 miles with no problem and was ready for more. So, regardless of weight or inches lost I am feeling so much better! On the 12th we go to Columbia so Keith can have his catarac removed and since it is also our anniversary and the doctor needs to see him the next morning we are going to spend the night in a motel or hotel in the area and have a nice anniversary. I am going to ask our friend Julie to visit and feed our cats for that night and the next morning. Our cats are doing well... Mr. Fuzz and Bug have started going outside and since they don't go far we feel safe letting them out. It keeps them from charging the door every time we go in or out. The weather here is beautiful and perfect for walking so if you don't see me online much it's because I'm taking advantage before it gets too hot here. Well, that's it for now. Hope everyone is doing well and is happy.
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