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Life According to Zephyr
Cost of the War in Iraq
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Sunday, April 18, 2004
Mr. Fuzz - he's the boss! Two four cats, Mr. Fuzz and The Bug like to go outside. We live in an apt. complex, and thank goodness they don't go far and are easy to get back inside. I have, however, been concerned because there are other animals around here - dogs in particular. Today, Mr. Fuzz and The Bug were outside and I was taking out the trash when a midsize dog came up and trapped Mr. Fuzz under a chair - Bug went up a tree. The dog barked and put his face under the chair as if to bite Mr. Fuzz and I was ready to jump to the rescue, but no need! Mr. Fuzz stood up, arched his back, puffed up his hair to double his size and lashed out across that dogs face so fast that poor dog didn't know what hit him. He ran and Mr. Fuzz chased him, with the dog howling all the way, until Mr. Fuzz felt he had done his job. He sauntered back home and sat on the couch outside as if to say, "I'm the boss here!"
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