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Friday, March 26, 2004
Where do you draw the line? Local businesses are complaining, to the Dean of the college where my husband teaches, that students from this college don't show up for work on time, don't show up at all, work for a couple weeks then just quit, etc etc etc. There is a litany of complaints and they think somehow the school should be held responsible. So, the Dean decided the teachers should make sure the students, once graduated and moved on into what is now supposedly their adult life, show up for work. They were told they needed to make sure the students showed up for work, etc. Now, the teachers said, hold on. We are responsible for them when they are in the classroom and we can teach them the subject, but we can't hold their hands every step of the way. Once they are out in the world our responsibility is to the students now in our classrooms. It isn't mandated, it isn't in their contracts, so they cannot be made to do it, but where do we draw the line? When does the child become an adult and become responsible for their own lives? I certainly didn't need my teacher or parent telling me to show up for work. I grew up with the values instilled in me, by my parents. This just seemed so silly to me I had to post it and see if anyone had any comments on this.
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