What ZephyrBird thinks
Life According to Zephyr


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Saturday, March 27, 2004

Good words? Bad words? I've been meaning to do a post on what some people call "bad words" for some time and a recent email prompted me to do it, so here it is. I will list the word some think should not be uttered for fear of eternal damnation and why it really isn't a "bad" word at all. As a writer I consider all words, just what they are, words. Words to be used to convey a thought, a scene, an emotion, a person, etc... and all words are fair game. So onto my list...

FUCK... Did you know there is a FUCK law in England? It is the acronym for Forced Unlawful Carnal Knowledge. Here we just call it rape, so to say fuck is a bad is saying we shouldn't say rape. Both mean the same thing. We in America are the ones who turned it into a slang word for sexual intercourse. So, I guess that would make sexual intercourse a bad thing to say also. As you can see this gets a bit ridiculous when you think about it.

Bitch - the female dog or one who complains.

Hell - okay, if ministers, priests, etc. use Hell in their sermons then are they swearing? No, if Hell is a "bad" word then so is "Heaven", because those who believe in god/God believe this being created Heaven and .... yes, that nasty word Hell.

Damn - to condemn someone to Hell - see above.

God Damn - See above :-).

Now, the funniest part is the person who claims to have been offended by these words of mine used the following in describing someone else.

Bastard - an illegitimate child.

Mother Fucking Bastard - okay, I guess fucking is okay as long as mother precedes it. If one is fucking a mother then it is okay :-).

Son of a bitch - again, I guess if something precedes the word then it is not considered "bad".

I could go on and on, but the point being in my opinion... Zephyr thinks all words are okay. And it's a bit hypocritical to cry foul when you use the words to suit your own purpose. What was that old adage of people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones?

Now which is the strongest statement?

You sexual intercourse female dog, please remove your unsightly butt from my vehicle.


You fucking bitch! get your ugly ass out of my car!

Words are words, but some certainly do make a stronger statement :-).

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