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Thursday, March 25, 2004
The good news and the bad news: The good news is in 2003 I lost 23.5 pounds and in my TOPS group came in second in my weight division for the most weight lost last year. The good news is I have gone from a size 2X or 22/24 to and XL or 18/20 depending on the type of clothing. A couple weekends ago I did a 3 mile walk for the heart fund and when I got there our leader handed out tshirts and knowing I always asked for a 2X apologized for only having XL shirts. It was cold and I was only wearing a tshirt so decided to try it and was actually able to comfortably put the XL tshirt on over the one I was already wearing. And I made the 3 mile walk without breaking a sweat. Now I have a 6 mile walk coming up on April 24th... time to start training.
The bad news is I have gained 2 lbs. over the last week! I have been going to CURVES 3 days a week, walking, watching what I eat, and drinking plenty of water. My sister, Victoria, explained I am building up my muscles again with my workouts and that muscle does weigh more than fat. I know that eventually the muscle will start burning more fat, but for now I am in that aaaarrrrgghhh!!! stage. I see the muscles in my legs again and love to feel it as I work them out. I used to be...oh such sad words... a downhill skiier and had leg muscles you wouldn't believe. I have actually built up a little in my legs and lost most of the inches around my abdomen and arms. Anyway, I took today as a diet holiday. Ate some dark chocolate...mmmmmm... my favorite and am ready to get back on the band wagon. My holiday lasted all of a couple hours, but I feel better for it and feel like I can continue the struggle now. No, I didn't eat chocolate for two hours! Anyway, I am rambling now, but I wanted to share the good news and post the bad so I can have it in the open and get on with losing again. I am sure I will have better news to report next week. Thanks for reading!
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