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Wednesday, February 18, 2004

I know, I know, I haven't posted in ages and the first thing I put up is something that someone sent me. But I thought this was great and should be shared, so here it is.

The Bush Doctrine
by Harry Browne

David Kay (George Bush's personal weapons inspector)
has made it clear that Iraq had no weapons of mass
destruction and that the pre-war assertions of the
danger from Iraq were wrong.

Should George Bush apologize to the American people?

No - not according to David Kay. You see, it wasn't
George Bush's fault. It was bad intelligence. Kay said

"I think if anyone was abused by the intelligence it
was the president of the United States rather than the
other way around."

George Bush was abused?

George Bush was _abused_???

Someone should pass on to Mr. Kay the immortal words
of W.C. Fields that "you can't cheat an honest man."

* George Bush is the man who said he doesn't need to
read newspapers or watch TV news (where he might see
dissenting views) because everything he needs to know
he gets from Condeleeza Rice, Dick Cheney, and Donald

* This is the man whose Secret Service keeps all
protesters out of sight of presidential parades,
cavalcades, and rallies – while lining up enthusiastic
supporters to cheer the President.

* This is the man who came into the White House telling
his aides that his only preconceived policy was to get
rid of Saddam Hussein no matter what.

* This is the man who didn't bother to ask for hard
evidence before telling Americans over and over that
he was certain Hussein had chemical, biological, and
nuclear weapons of mass destruction.

* This is the man who thinks his knowledge is so
complete and infallible that we can junk the Bill of
Rights, fair trials, and the rules of evidence - and
detain indefinitely anyone he thinks is a "bad guy."

* This is the man who had his aides tell Congressmen
that Iraq had the ability to drop nuclear bombs on the
East Coast of the United States.

* This is the man who wanted so much to believe that the
WMDs had been found that he reacted to a report of the
discovery of two mobile trailers by telling the world,
"We found the weapons of mass destruction."

And we're supposed to believe this innocent little man
was abused?

Even now he is unrepentant. He says the world is a better
place with Hussein gone - even though there are
governments in power today that are far more oppressive
than Hussein's (in China, for example).

Far from apologizing for the deaths his mistakes have
caused, he implies that the thousands of deaths
- American and Iraqi - were worthwhile because the
surviving Iraqis are free today. But, of course, he has
no knowledge of what "freedom" in Iraq is like today.

Ancient History

For almost 60 years, American Presidents have been
pushing the world around. But they've been doing it
pretty much in secret.

As a result, very few Americans are aware that
U.S. money and forces were used to overthrow
governments or to aid dictators in
Guatemala, Vietnam, and many other countries.

Unfortunately, however, the people in those countries
are well aware of the U.S. role and they hate us for it.

I doubt that even one American in ten is aware that
American airplanes bombed Iraq continually throughout
the 1990s.

America subverted foreign governments using money,
the CIA, special forces, and occasionally overt
military power. But mostly it was done on the Q.T.

The New Doctrine

But now we have the Bush Doctrine.

No longer do American agents act in secret. It's
all out in the open. In effect, this is what the Bush
Doctrine says:

I am the King of the world. What I say goes. I
decide which governments remain and which must
be overthrown. Even the most oppressive
governments may be able to remain if they pledge
their allegiance to me. I decide who can have
nuclear weapons and who can't. I decide who can
live and who will die.

Some people are saying that George Bush is like
Adolf Hitler.

But that's absurd. There's quite a bit of

For example, when Hitler had been in power for
three years, he hadn't invaded a single country.
George Bush has already invaded two.

Harry Browne is the co-founder and president of the
American Liberty Foundation.

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