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Saturday, January 10, 2004

When the USA bombs another country our leaders say it is to take out the current govt. (of that country) and set up a democray. Well, here's an interesting list for your purusal.

Countries Bombed by
The USA since WWII

China 1945-46, Korea 1950-53, China 1950-53
Guatemala 1954, Indonesia 1958, Cuba 1959-60
Guatemala 1960, Congo 1964 ,Peru 1965, Laos 1964-73
Vietnam 1961-73, Cambodia 1969-70, Guatemala 1967-69
Grenada 1983, Libya 1986, El Salvador 1980s
Nicaragua 1980s, Panama 1989, Iraq 1991-99, Sudan 1998
Afghanistan 1998, Yugoslavia 1999, Afghanistan 2001-

Resulting in a Democratic Gov.?


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