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Monday, December 22, 2003
What Zephyr thinks about the current political condition: I don't usually write a lot about politics for a couple reasons. There are a lot of other blogs and sites out there who can say it better than me and I am not as politically savvy as most so my views can be a bit blurry at times. But the election in 2004 has me concerned and I have been paying more and more attention. Subversity posted a great missive and it made me think very hard about the type of campaign the democrats have been running. He is right. there is too much bad mouthing each other and not enough about what they will do to get Bush out of office and give America back to the people again. While I would prefer to see Dennis Kucinich on the ticket, I feel America is not ready for him and unfortunately he would not win. But Subversity's idea of the Dean/Clark ticket and getting together on the issues and running together NOW instead of killing each other with words would be the strongest statement for the Democratic party. We need to win and we won't win by dividing forces. Together we stand, divided we fall. American can't afford to have the democratic party fall again.
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