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Cost of the War in Iraq
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Sunday, September 07, 2003
Good morning! It's been awhile since I have posted. Life has just gotten a little to hectic and strange for the moment. My husband is home, went back to work, but is still having problems. Monday we go to the heart doctor and they are going to put a 24 hour portable heart monitor on him. They call it a holster. This will give them an idea of what is going on during the day. He has burning sensations around his heart and it isn't heartburn. They are also going to have him see a gastrogenolgist, but that hasn't been set up yet. We are waiting to hear on that. In the meantime, he is able to go to work and teach but not without discomfort. So, we sit and wait. The doctors are just guessing at this point and are putting him and taking him off medications at such a rapid rate it becomes scary at times. We read up on atrial flutters which is what put him in the hospital and possible side affects of the medications and being taken off the medications but it doesn't always make a lot of sense to us. I will just have to keep you all posted as things progress.
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